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Livres anciens et modernes

Moehler John Adam.

Symbolism: or, exposition of the doctrinal differences between Catholics and Protestants, as evidenced by their symbolical writings . With a memoir of the author, preceded by an historical sketch of the state of Protestantism and Catholicism in Germany for the last hundred years by James Burton Robertson

The Catholic Publication House,

10,00 €

La Linea d'Ombra di Giampiero Tarantelli Studio bibliografico

(Roma, Italie)

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Lieu d'édition
New York
Moehler John Adam.
pp. CIV-504. Note.
The Catholic Publication House
8vo p.
legatura coeva in tutta tela, titolo e fregi in oro e a secco.


Anno di pubblicazione: (metà '800)
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