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Livres anciens et modernes

Brown, Marshall, Barbara Fuchs Jura Avizienis (Eds.) A. O.

Modern Language Quarterly, 63. A Journal of Literary History.

Durham: Duke University Press, 2002.,

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Brown, Marshall, Barbara Fuchs Jura Avizienis (Eds.) A. O.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2002.
561 p. Library binding Hardcover.
Premiére Edition


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langj�igem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - kleine Anhaftungen auf Einband, Hinterdeckel an einer Stelle leicht berieben, Kopfstand weist Kratzer und Verf�ung auf, sonst guter Zustand / small adhesions on cover, back cover slightly rubbed in one place, headstand shows scratches and discoloration, otherwise good condition. - No. 1-4. Index to Volume 63 Articles Carson, Luke I Republicanism and Leisure in Marianne Moore�s Depression Dane, Joseph A. I see Russett, Margaret Jager, Colin I Mansfield Park and the End of Natural Theology Kang, Liu I The Short-Lived Avant-Garde: The Transformation of Yu Hua Kezar, Dennis I Law/Form/History: Shakespeare�s Verdict in All Is True Mann, Barbara I Picturing the Poetry of Anna Margolin Mason, Nicholas I Building Brand Byron: Early-Nineteenth-Century Advertising and the Marketing of Childe Harold�s Pilgrimage McDonald, Gail I The Mind a Department Store: Reconfiguring Space in the Gilded Age McHugh, Heather I Presence and Passage: A Poet�s Wordsworth Miller, Andrew H. I Perfectly Helpless Newman, Steve I The Scots Songs of Allan Ramsay: �Lyrick� Transformation, Popular Culture, and the Boundaries of the Scottish Enlightenment Pence, Jeffrey I The End of Technology: Memory in Richard Powers�s Galatea 2.2 Russett, Margaret, and Joseph A. Dane I �Everlastinge to Posterytie�: Chatterton�s Spirited Youth Underwood, Ted I Historical Difference As Immortality in the Mid- Nineteenth-Century Novel Wagner, Tamara S. I �Overpowering Vitality�: Nostalgia and Men of Sensibility in the Fiction of Wilkie Collins Yousef, Nancy I The Monster in a Dark Room: Frankenstein, Feminism, and Philosophy Review Essay Ganim,JohnM. I Cities of Words: Recent Studies on Urbanism and Literature (Richard Lehan, The City in Literature: An Intellectual and Cultural History, Carlo Rotella, October Cities: The Redevelopment of Urban Literature', Sharon Marcus, Apartment Stories: City and Home in Nineteenth-Century Paris and London', Catherine Jurca, White Diaspora: The Suburb and the Twentieth- Century American Novel) Reviews Albright, Daniel, Untwisting the Serpent: Modernism in Music, Literature, and Other Arts I Reviewed by Brian M. Reed Bate, Jonathan, The Song of the Earth I Reviewed by Kate Rigby Benedict, Barbara M. I Leah Price, The Anthology and the Rise of the Novel: From Richardson to George Eliot Benedict, Barbara M., Curiosity: A Cultural History of Early Modern Inquiry I Patricia Meyer Spacks Brooks, Douglas A., From Playhouse to Printing House: Drama and Authorship in Early Modern England I Reviewed by Geraldo U. de Sousa de Grazia, Margreta I Stephen Greenblatt, Hamlet in Purgatory Erickson, Jon I Hayden White, Figural Realism: Studies in the Mimesis Effect Fish, Stanley, How Milton Works I Reviewed by Albert C. Labriola Frenk, Susan I see Perriam, Chris Fuchs, Barbara I Diana de Armas Wilson, Cervantes, the Novel, and the New World Gamer, Michael I Harriet Guest, Small Change: Women, Learning, Patriotism, 1750-1810 Greenblatt, Stephen, Hamlet in Purgatory I Reviewed by Margreta de Grazia Greene, Roland, Unrequited Conquests: Love and Empire in the Colonial Americas I Reviewed by Margarita Zamora Guest, Harriet, Small Change: Women, Learning, Patriotism, 1750�1810 I Reviewed by Michael Gamer Hammill, Graham L., Sexuality and Form: Caravaggio, Marlowe, and Bacon I Reviewed by Nicholas F. Radel Israel, Nico, Outlandish: Writing between Exile and Diaspora I Reviewed by Bruce Robbins Jaffe, Michele Sharon, The Story of 0: Prostitutes and Other Good-for-Nothings in the Renaissance I Reviewed by David Lindley Klemperer, Victor, The Language of the Third Reich: LTI, Lingua Tertii Imperii I Reviewed by Bruce Krajewski Knights, Vanessa I see Perriam, Chris Krajewski, Bruce I Victor Klemperer, The Language of the Third Reich: LTI, Lingua Tertii Imperii Kronenfeld, Judy I Ramie Targoff, Common Prayer: The Language of Public Devotion in Early Modern England Labriola, Albert C. I Stanley Fish, How Milton Works Lamb, Jonathan, Preserving the Self in the South Seas, 1680�1840 I Reviewed by Laura J. Rosenthal Lindley, David I Bruce R. Smith, The Acoustic World of Early Modern England: Attending to the O-factor, Michele Sharon Jaffe, The Story of O: Prostitutes and Other Good-for-Nothings in the Renaissance Loomba, Ania I Sangeeta Ray, En-Gendering India: Woman and Nation in Colonial and Postcolonial Narratives Lupton, Julia Reinhard I Christopher Pye, The Vanishing: Shakespeare, the Subject, and Early Modern Culture Martens, Lorna I Judith Ryan, Rilke, Modernism, and Poetic Tradition Mellor, Anne K., Mothers of the Nation: Women�s Political Writing in England, 1780�1850 I Reviewed by Alan Richardson Mullen, Bill V. I Robert Shulman, The Power of Political Art: The 1950s Literary Left Reconsidered Perriam, Chris, Michael Thompson, Susan Frenk, and Vanessa Knights, A New History of Spanish Writing, 1959 to the 1990s I Reviewed by Robert C. Spires Price, Leah, The Anthology and the Rise of the Novel: From Richardson to George Eliot I Reviewed by Barbara M. Benedict Pye, Christopher, The Vanishing: Shakespeare, the Subject, and Early Modern Culture I Reviewed by Julia Reinhard Lupton Rabinowitz, Paula I Michael Szalay, New Deal Modernism: American Literature and the Invention of the Welfare State Radel, Nicholas F. I Graham L. Hammill, Sexuality and Form: Caravaggio, Marlowe, and Bacon Ray, Sangeeta, En-Gendering India: Woman and Nation in Colonial and Postcolonial Narratives I Reviewed by Ania Loomba Reed, Brian M. I Daniel Albright, Untwisting the Serpent: Modernism in Music, Literature, and Other Arts Resina, Joan Ramon I Paul Julian Smith, The Moderns: Time, Space, and Subjectivity in Contemporary Spanish Culture Richardson, Alan I Anne K. Mellor, Mothers of the Nation: Women�s Political Writing in England, 1780�1830 Rigby, Kate I Jonathan Bate, The Song of the Earth Robbins, Bruce I Nico Israel, Outlandish: Writing between Exile.'and Diaspora Rosenthal, Laura J. I Jonathan Lamb, Preserving the Self in the South Seas, 1680-1840 Ryan, Judith, Rilke, Modernism, and Poetic Tradition I Reviewed by Lorna Martens Shulman, Robert, The Power of Political Art: The 1930s Literary Left Reconsidered I Reviewed by Bill V. Mullen Smith, Bruce R., The Acoustic World of Early Modern England: Attending to the O-factor I Reviewed by David Lindley Smith, Paul Julian, The Moderns: Time, Space, and Subjectivity in Contemporary Spanish Culture I Reviewed by Joan Ramon Resina Sousa, Geraldo U. de I Douglas A. Brooks, From Playhouse to Printing House: Drama and Authorship in Early Modern England Spacks, Patricia Meyer I Barbara M. Benedict, Curiosity: A Cultural History of Early Modern Inquiry Spires, Robert C. I Chris Perriam, Michael Thompson, Susan Frenk, and Vanessa Knights, A New History of Spanish Writing, 1939 to the 1990s Szalay, Michael, New Deal Modernism: American Literature and the Invention of the Welfare State I Reviewed by Paula Rabinowitz Targoff, Ramie, Common Prayer: The Language of Public Devotion in Early Modern England I Reviewed by Judy Kronenfeld Thompson, Michael I see Perriam, Chris White, Hayden, Figural Realism: Studies in the Mimesis Effect I Reviewed by Jon Erickson Wilson, Diana de Armas, Cervantes, the Novel, and the New World I Reviewed by Barbara Fuchs Zamora, Margarita I Roland Greene, Unrequited Conquests: Love and Empire in the Colonial Americas.