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Livres anciens et modernes

Calvo, Tom�And Luc Brisson (Eds.)

Interpreting the Timaeus - Critias: proceedings of the IV Symposium Platonicum. Selected papers. International Plato studies ; Vol. 9.

Sankt Augustin : Academia-Verl., 1997.,

148,00 €

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Calvo, Tom�And Luc Brisson (Eds.)
Sankt Augustin : Academia-Verl., 1997.
378 p. Original cloth.
Plato: Timaeus, Plato: Critias, Kongress, Buenos Aires, Philosophie
Premiére Edition


From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Overall very good and clean. - TABLE OF CONTENTS: Tom�Calvo - Luc Brisson: El Timeo-Critias. Contenido y cuestiones hermen�icas -- I. The Timaeus-Critias. Project and Context -- G. Naddaf: Plato and the [Peri Physeos] Tradition -- F. Rodr�ez A.: Coherencia e incoherencia en la forma y contenido del Timeo -- D. Clay: The Plan of Plato�s Critias -- L. Ayache: Est-il vraiment question d�art m�cal dans le Tim� -- I.D. Otto: Der Kritias vor dem Hintergrund des Menexenos -- M. Erler: Ideal und Geschichte. Die Rahmengespr�e des Timaios und Kritias und Aristoteles� Poetik -- II. The Prooemium and the Nature of Timaeus� Cosmological Myth -- D. Runia: The Literary and Philosophical Status of Timaeus� Prooemium -- E. Berti: L�oggetto dell� [eikos mythos] nel Timeo di Platone -- M. I. Santa Cruz: Le discours de la physique: eikos logos -- A. Vallejo: No, it�s not a Fiction -- G. Reale: Plato�s Doctrine of the Origin of the World, with special reference to the Timaeus -- III. Ideas, Numbers, Principles -- E. Ostenfeld: The Role and Status of the Forms in the Timaeus: Paradigmatism revisited ? -- R. Ferber: Why did Plato maintain the �Theory of Ideas� in the Timaeus? -- M. Isnardi-Parente: Idee e Numeri nel Timeo -- Th. A. Szlez� �er die Art und Weise der Er�rterung der Prinzipien im Timaios -- IV. Cosmology and Ontological Issues -- C. Natali: Le cause del Timeo e la teoria delle quattro cause -- J. M. Narbonne: Note �ropos de l��ext�orit�pr�m�du r�ptacle platonicien -- W. Mesch: Die ontologische Bedeutung der Zeit in Platons Timaios -- J. J. Cleary: Plato�s Teleological Atomism -- V. The Soul of the World and the human Soul -- F. L. Lisi: La construcci�el alma del mundo en el Timeo (35a-b) y la tradici�ndirecta -- G. Reydam-Schils: Plato�s World Soul: grasping sensibles without Sense-perception -- Ch. Gill: Galen vs. Chrysippus on the tripartite psyche in Timaeus 69-72 -- S. Rotondaro: II [pathos] della ragione e i sogni: Timeo 70D7- 72B5 -- E. Pender: The Language of Soul in Plato�s Timaeus -- VI. Perception and Knowledge -- D. O�Brien: Perception et intelligence dans le Tim�de Platon -- L. Brisson: Perception sensible et raison dans le Tim�-- U. Hirsch: Sinnesqualit�ten und ihre Namen (zu Tim. 61-69) -- VII. Ethics and Education -- D. Sedley: �Becoming like god� in the Timaeus and Aristotle -- G.R. Carone: The ethical Function of Astronomy in Plato�s Timaeus -- E. Cavagnaro: The Timaeus of Plato and the erratic Motion of the Planets -- S. Scolnicov: Freedom and Education in Plato�s Timaeus -- Index of discussed Passages. ISBN 9783896650047