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Livres anciens et modernes

Cannan Edwin

Histoire des théories de la production et de la distribution dans l'économie politique anglaise de 1776 a 1848. Traduction sur la 3me édition anglaise par H. E. Barrault et Maurice Alfassa. Avec une introduction par H. E. Barrault

V. Giard & E. Brière, 1910

100,00 €

Gilibert Galleria Libreria Antiquaria

(Torino, Italie)

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Lieu d'édition
Cannan Edwin
V. Giard & E. Brière
Economia politica, Inghilterra, Storia delle dottrine economiche
Etat de conservation
En excellent ètat
Print on demand
Premiére Edition


In-8°, pp. XXXVII, 577, (3) + 30 di catalogo editoriale, brossura originale verde acqua. Minimali restauri al dorso. Intonso, in barbe. Prima e unica edizione in lingua francese, tradotta sulla seconda edizione inglese, della 'History of the Theories of Production and Distribution in English Political Economy'. 'Constitue une référence traditionnelle en ce qui concerne l'étude des économistes classiques anglais' (H. Denis, Histoire de la pensée économique, 1971, p. 219). 'Cannan's original work in the history of economic thought is presented in a number of works, of which two call for separate attention: A History of Theories of Production and Distribution in English Political Economy 1776-1848 (1893) and A Review of Economic theory (1929). The former is the more carefully considered and better documented of the two, and although it would be difficult to agree with Hugh Dalton who in 1927 claimed that 'no one need ever do this particular piece of work again' (in Gregory and Dalton, 1927, p.11), it is nevertheless the case that both books can be consulted with advantage even by modern students. Many of Cannan's original, if somewhat singular, views gain expression therein. There are two that warrant mention here: the claim that a theory of distribution properly understood requires an explanation of the shares of wages, profits and rent in total production (and not an explanation of their respective rates, which he calls pseudo-distribution), and the implied definition of 'classical economics' as the period between (and including) Smith's Wealth of Nations and the first edition of John Stuart Mill's Principles in 1848.' (New Palgrave, I, p. 315). Bibliothèque Internationale d'Économie Politique publiée sous la direction de Alfred Bonnet. New Palgrave, I, 315. Schumpeter, I, 370.
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