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Livres anciens et modernes

Cord�Luis A. And Sigmund Freud

Freud's world. An encyclopedia of his life and times.

Santa Barbara : Greenwood, 2012.,

45,00 €

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(Berlin, Allemagne)

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Cord�Luis A. And Sigmund Freud
Santa Barbara : Greenwood, 2012.
XII, 497 S. Originalhardcover.
Psychoanalyse, Geschichte, W�rterbuch, Psychologie
Premiére Edition


Einband leicht berieben. - From his curious, early-career beliefs about cocaine to the inherent sexism of his approach to child development and his pessimistic take on humanity as a whole, Freud's work has inspired as many detractors as proponents. There is nevertheless no denying the far-reaching influence and legacy of his theories and methods, despite the deep-seated controversy about his techniques and the unscientific nature of many of his major ideas. Freud's World: An Encyclopedia of His Life and Times organizes the important components of Freud's life and work in an encyclopedia format, enabling readers to quickly zero in on the particular ideas, individuals, and circumstances that contributed to his vast influence. Controversy about the scientific utility of psychoanalytic concepts is specifically addressed. Acknowledgments xiii Abraham, Karl (1877-1925) 1 Adler, Alfred (1870-1937) 9 Anna O. (Bertha Pappenheim) (1859-1936) 21 Attachment 25 Bibliotherapy 33 Bleuler, Eugen (1857-1939) 41 Bonaparte, Princess Marie (1882-1962) 45 Bowlby, John (1907-1990) 59 Breuer, Josef (1842-1925) 71 Civilization and Its Discontents (1930) 75 Cocaine 77 Defense Mechanisms 81 Dora (Ida Bauer) (1882-1945) 85 Erikson, Erik (1902-1994) 91 Eugenics 97 Ferenczi, Sandor (1873-1933) 119 Fliess, Wilhelm (1858-1928) 123 Frankl, Viktor (1905-1997) 127 Freud, Anna (1895-1982) 149 Fromm, Erich (1900-1980) 155 The Future of an Illusion (1927) 161 Gestalt 183 Homosexuality 191 Horney, Karen (1885-1952) 201 Hypnosis 211 Hysteria Id, Ego, and Superego , 223 The Interpretation of Dreams (1899) 229 James, William (1842-1910) 237 Jokes 241 Jones, Ernest (1879-1958) 243 Jung, Carl Gustav (1875-1961) 247 Klein, Melanie (1882-1960) 263 Lacan,Jacques(1901-1981) 277 "Little Hans" (Herbert Graf) (1904-1973) 289 Mahler, Margaret (1897-1985) 293 Moses and Monotheism (1939) 299 Murray, Henry (1893-1988) 315 National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis) 321 Neurology in the Late 19th Century 345 Parapraxes 351 Peale, Norman Vincent (1898-1993) 355 Pfister, Oskar (1873-1956) 357 Polymorphous Perversity 361 Projective Tests of Personality 365 Psychic Phenomena 371 Psychosexual Development, Stages of 385 Rank, Otto (1884-1939) 389 The Rat Man (Ernst Lanzer) (1878-1914) 401 Reich, Wilhelm (1897-1957) 405 Seduction Theory 425 Skinner, B. F. (1904-1990) 431 Stekel, Wilhelm (1868-1940) 439 Totem and Taboo (1913) 443 United States, Freud's Visit to (1909) Vienna Psychoanalytical Society 471 Vygotsky, Lev Semenovich (1896-1934) 473 Watson, John B. (1878-1958) The Wolf Man (Sergei Konstantinovitch Pankejeff) (1886-1979) 483 Wundt, Wilhelm (1832-1920) 487 Annotated Bibliography 491 Index ISBN 9780313339059