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Livres anciens et modernes

Von Hagen, Victor Wolfgang

Ecuador the Unknown; Two and a half year's travels in the Republic of Ecuador and Galapagos Islands


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Horizon Books (Toronto, Canada)

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Lieu d'édition
New York. Oxford University Press
Von Hagen, Victor Wolfgang
Travel - South America Galapagos


8vo [22 x 14 cm]; 296 pp, frontis, plates from photos, index. original cloth, title lettering on spine and cover, near fine. A picture of this book is available upon request by email. The author traveled extensively in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands over a two and a half year period, and provides good illustrations of the native people, nature, customs, etc. He also includes a detailed descriptions of the cocoa, balsa and panama-hat industries (panama hats originated in Ecuador and the best ones are still made there).

Edizione: first us edition.
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