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Livres anciens et modernes

Baronio, Giuseppe (C. 1759-1811)

Degli Innesti animali

dalla Stamperia e Fonderia del Genio, 1804

3500,00 €

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(Bologna, Italie)

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Baronio, Giuseppe (C. 1759-1811)
dalla Stamperia e Fonderia del Genio
Prima edizione
M. pelle coeva
Etat de conservation
Couverture rigide
Print on demand
Premiére Edition


In- 8°, m. pelle coeva, tassello al dorso. 78 pp., 1 f. (indice), ritratto dell' autore in medaglione e 2 tavole incise in rame f.t. (una ripiegata). Bell' esemplare nella sua legatura d' epoca. Rarissima edizione originale del capolavoro del Baronio. Manca alle biblioteche mediche di Osler, Cushing, Benjamin, Reynolds, norman, Barchas. "The basic principle of free transplantation, contained in the ancient Indian tradition, constituted, when fully understood and applied, the greatest single advance of the nineteenth century. Interest in the principles of the regeneration and transplantation of animal tissues was widespread in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, but it was Giuseppe Baronio, physician and naturalist of milan, who first demonstrated on sheep that full-thckness skin grafts could be successfully transplanted after detachment from the body. In the three experiments which he described in 1804 Baronio removed from the back of a sheep patches of akin which he transplanted to new site on the same aheep, one immediately, a second after eighteen minutes, and a third after one hour of detachment. All became succefully adherent to the new bed" (Gnudi & Webster). "This success also indicates another characteristic of the work to be performed from that time onwards: the use of animals for experiments under closely controlled conditions The hand of science had now fimly grasped the hand of surgery and was leading the latter away from the somewhat wild theorizing to which most surgeons had been prone from the earliest times." (Bankoff). Hirsch, Biographisches Lexicon der hervorragenden Aerzte I, p. 243. Garrison & Morton, Medical bibliography, 5736. Wellcome Historical Medical Library, Catalogue of printed books II, p. 103. Sallander, Bibliotheca Walleriana, 686. Zeis index and history of plastic surgery, 300, 422. Maltz, evolution of plastic surgery, p. 221. Bankoff, The story of plastic surgery, p. 42. Gnudi & Webster, The life and times of Gaspare Tagliacozzi, p. 328. Belloni, Dalle "Riproduzioni animali" di L. Spallanzani agli "Innesti animali" di G. Baronio (in Physis III, 1961, pp. 37-48. UNA PIETRA MILIARE NELLA STORIA DEI TRAPIANTI ORGANICI. Cas...
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