Livres anciens et modernes
Roy J. Glauber.
Coherent and Incoherent States of the Radiation Field.
100,00 €
Cellerino Luigi Studio Bibliografico
(Alessandria, Italie)
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Further, in contrast to the energy eigenstates of the system, the time evolution of a coherent state is concentrated along the classical trajectories. The quantum linear harmonic oscillator, and hence coherent states, arise in the quantum theory of a wide range of physical systems. They occur in the quantum theory of light (quantum electrodynamics) and other bosonic quantum field theories.
While minimum uncertainty Gaussian wave-packets had been well-known, they did not attract full attention until Roy J. Glauber, in 1963, provided a complete quantum-theoretic description of coherence in the electromagnetic field.In this respect, the concurrent contribution of E.C.G. Sudarshan should not be omitted, (there is, however, a note in Glauber's paper that reads: "Uses of these states as generating functions for the n {\displaystyle n} n-quantum states have, however, been made by J. Schwinger. Glauber was prompted to do this to provide a description of the Hanbury-Brown & Twiss experiment which generated very wide baseline (hundreds or thousands of miles) interference patterns that could be used to determine stellar diameters. This opened the door to a much more comprehensive understanding of coherence. ( ).