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Livres anciens et modernes

Asmis, Elizabeth (Ed.)

Classical Philology Volume 108 2013 [4 Bd.e]. A Journal Devoted to Research in Classical Antiquity.

The University of Chicago Press., 2013.,

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Asmis, Elizabeth (Ed.)
The University of Chicago Press., 2013.
375 Seiten / p. Broschiert / Paperback.
Premiére Edition


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langj�igem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - leicht berieben und besto�n, ansonsten tadelloser Zustand / lightly rubbed and scuffed, otherwise perfect condition - CONTENTS FOR VOLUME 108 -- Ager, Sheila L., Marriage or Mirage? The Phantom Wedding of Cleopatra and Antony -- BENTEIN, Klaas, Transitivity, Ecology, and the Emergence of Verbal Periphrasis in Ancient -- Greek -- Brown, Robert D., Caesar�s Description of Bridging the Rhine (Bellum Gallicum 4.16-19): -- A Literary Analysis -- Christ, Matthew R., Demosthenes on Philanthrdpia as a Democratic Virtue -- DRINKWATER, Megan O., An Amateur�s Art: Paris and Helen in Ovid�s Heroides -- Eckstein, Arthur M., Polybius, Phylarchus, and Historiographical Criticism -- Faulkner, Andrew, Et in Arcadia Diana: An Encounter with Pan in Callimachus� Hymn to -- Artemis -- Felice, Egizia Maria, Putting the GELOS Back in Philogelos 1 -- Liebert, Rana Saadi, Pity and Disgust in Plato�s Republic: The Case of Leontius -- Ooms, Steven, and CASPER C. DE Jonge, The Semantics of ENAGONIOS in Greek Literary -- Criticism -- POLT, Christopher B., The Origin of the Idaean Dactyls (Apollonius -- Argonautica 1.1129-31) -- Rebeggiani, Stefano, Reading the Republican Forum: Virgil�s Aeneid, the Dioscuri, and the Battle of Lake Regillus -- Rimell, Victoria, The Best a Man Can Get: Grooming Scipio in Seneca Epistle 86 -- Roche, Paul, A Fawn in the Wood: Inuleus in Horace Carmen 1.23 -- Stamatopoulou, Zoe, Reading the Aspis as a Hesiodic Poem -- Stewart, Selina, Argonauts in the Mist: Argonautica 3.210-14 -- Tucci, Pier Luigi, Galen and the Library at Antium: The State of the Question -- Usher, M. D, Teste Galba cum Sibylla: Oracles, Octavia, and the East -- Xenophontos, Sophia A., Imagery and Education in Plutarch -- BOOK REVIEWS -- Briscoe: Friendship and Empire: Roman Diplomacy and Imperialism in the -- Middle Republic (353-146 BC) (Burton) -- Carter: Theater of the People: Spectators and Society in Ancient Athens (Roselli) -- Gagarin: A Culture of Freedom: Ancient Greece and the Origins of Europe (Meier) -- Gardner: The Elegiac Passion: Jealousy in Roman Love Elegy (Caston) -- Hawkins: Invisible Romans (Knapp) -- Heath: Aristotle as Poet: The Song for Hermias and Its Contexts (Ford) -- Janko: Aristotle, �Poetics": Editio Maior of the Greek Text with Historical Introductions -- and Philological Commentaries (Taran and Gutas) -- Johnson: Xenophon's Mirror of Princes: Reading the Reflections (Gray) -- Liebert: Frontiers of Pleasure: Models of Aesthetic Response in Archaic and Classical -- Greek Thought (Peponi) -- Lowrie: Work in Progress: Literary Revision as Social Performance in Ancient Rome (Gurd) -- McInerney: Making Time for the Past: Local History and the Polis (Clarke) -- Oele: Aristotle on the Nature of Truth (Long) -- Roselli: Why Athens? A Reappraisal of Tragic Politics (Carter) -- Sansone: Prodicus the Sophist: Texts,'Translations, and Commentary (Mayhew) -- Steinby: The Age of Titans: The Rise and Fall of the Great Hellenistic Navies (Murray) .