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Livres anciens et modernes

Anson George, Walter Richard.

A Voyage round the World in the Years MDCCXL, I, II, III, IV.

Londra, printed for John and Paul Knapton, 1748.,

650,00 €

Mediolanum Libreria Antiquaria

(Milano, Italie)

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Anson George, Walter Richard.
Londra, printed for John and Paul Knapton, 1748.


In-8ø; 12 cc., 548 pp., 3 grandi carte geografiche ripiegate fuori testo; legatura coeva in tutta pelle, filetti in oro ai piatti ed al dorso (qualche restauro, sguardie rinnovate). Poche pagine un poco brunite ma buon esemplare proveniente dalla raccolta Novacco (ex libris). Terza edizione, uscita lo stesso anno della prima, della relazione del celebre viaggio intorno al mondo della squadra navale comandata da Anson. La circumnavigazione avvenne sulla rotta S. Helena, Brasile, Capo Horn, isola di Juan Fernandez, Per—, Messico, Sud Est Asiatico, Macao, Manila e rientro in Inghilterra. "This is the official account of Anson's voyage. England, at war with Spain in 1739, equipped eight ships under the command of George Anson to harass the Spaniards on the western coast of South America, for the purpose of cutting off Spanish supplies of wealth from the Pacific area. Lord Anson, who was a friend and patron of Benjamin Robins, after returning from the voyage around the world in the Centurion, appears to have entrusted to Robins, for revision, the account of the voyage which had been compiled from the journals by his chaplain, Richard Walter. It is probable that Robins revised and edited the work, wrote an introduction, and added dissertations." (Hill). Sabin 1626. Hill, p. 318. Borba de Moraes I, 32-33 (altra edizione). Chadenat 4707 (ed. francese).
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