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Livres anciens et modernes

Alnaes, Randolf, Bo Larsson Henning Paikin (Eds.) A. O.

[22 vol.] The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review. Vol. 1, 3-23. Additional editors: Jukka V�m�, Andr�P�st�i, Lis Lind, Finn Askevold, Martin Lotz, Antti Kumento, Anders Zachrisson, Jill Hoffmann, Christel Airas, Henrick Enckell, Karin Michal, Judy Gammelgaard, Helge Sletvold.

Copenhagen : Munksgaard, 1978, 1980-2000.,

245,00 €

Bookshop Buch Fundus

(Berlin, Allemagne)

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Alnaes, Randolf, Bo Larsson Henning Paikin (Eds.) A. O.
Copenhagen : Munksgaard, 1978, 1980-2000.
Every Vol. between 100 to 300 p. Original softcover.
Premiére Edition


Bindings somewhat rubbed and discolored, some slightly scuffed, some bottom edges slightly stained, 1 with damaged binding on spine, 6.2. with stencil on binding and title page, 16-18 with stencil on title page, otherwise good and clean. / Einb�e etwas berieben und verf�t, manche leicht besto�n, manche Fu�chnitte leicht angeschmutzt, 1 mit besch�gtem Einband am R�cken, 6.2. mit Stempel auf Einband und Titelseite, 16-18 mit Stempel auf Titelblatt, sonst gut und sauber. - Contents (selection): 3.1. Pentti Ikonen and Eero Rechardt: Binding, narcissistic pathology and the psychoanalytic process -- 5.2. Mikael Enckell: Film and Psychoanalysis -- 7.1. Alberta Szalita: On Becoming a Psychoanalyst -- 8.2. Lars-Johan Schalin: On the Normal and Pathological Middle-age Crisis - Erich Maria Remarque, a Lost Survivor -- 11.2. Jarl Jorstad: Aspects of Transference and Countertransference in Relation to Gaze and Mutual Gaze during Psychoanalysis -- 13.1. Anne-Marie Sandler: Comments on Phobic Mechanisms in Childhood -- 14.1. Lis Lind: Thanatos: The Drive without a Name. The Development of the Concept of the Death Drive in Freud's Writings -- 15.1. Vesa Manninen: The Ultimate Masculine Striving. Reflexions on the Psychology of Two Polar Explorers -- 16.1. Kauko Vauhkonen: On Manifestations of Early Traumas in Symptoms and Character Traits -- 17.2. Rolf K�nstlicher: 'Nachtr�ichkeit': The intermediary of an unassimilated impression and experience -- 18.2. Sverre Varvin: Genocide and ethnic cleansing. Psychoanalytic and social-psychological viewpoints -- 19.1. Kirsti Pesonen: A working-through process of a psychogenic autistic shelter in an analysis of an adult person -- 20.1. Tor-Bj�rn H�lund: On the creative experience in psychoanalysis -- 21.1. Ludvig Igra: Unconscious phantasies, symbolic transformations and responsibility -- 22.2. Fredrik Svenaeus: Freud's philosophy of the uncanny -- 23.1. Klas Guettler: Teh affect theory of 1900; the basis for the concept - invisible in theoretical discourse.