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Light William

View from the Melazzo Finmara


60,00 €

Antiquarius Libreria

(Roma, Italia)

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235 X 150
Light William
Cfr. Lowndes VI, 2199; Mira I, 515; Pine-Coffin, 823.6.


Veduta tratta dal celebre Sicilian Scenery from Drawings by P. De Wint, pubblicato a Londra presso Rodwell & Martin, 1823. Si tratta di «uno dei più bei figurati ottocenteschi specificatamente dedicato alla Sicilia» (Moncada Lo Giudice 1274), illustrato dalle belle tavole incise da Cooke, Wallis, Heath ed altri su disegni di De Wint su schizzi del maggiore Light. ' Incisione in rame, finemente colorata a mano, in ottimo stato di conservazione. View taken from the famous Sicilian Scenery from Drawings by P. De Wint, published in London at Rodwell & Martin, 1823. It is "one of the most beautiful nineteenth-century figures specifically dedicated to Sicily" (Moncada Lo Giudice 1274), illustrated by the beautiful plates engraved by Cooke, Wallis, Heath and others on drawings by De Wint on sketches by the elder Light. ' Copperplate, finely coloured by hand, in excellent condition. Cfr. Cfr. Lowndes VI, 2199; Mira I, 515; Pine-Coffin, 823.6.
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