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Admiralty Charts

Sketch Plans of Anchorages between Mindanao and Celebes

150,00 €

Trippini Sergio Libreria

(Gavirate, Italia)

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Formas de Pago


mm 463x645
Indonesia - Celebes Sea
Admiralty Charts


Sketch Plans of Anchorages between Mindanao and Celebes From the Netherlands Government Charts to 1924 - Magnetic Variation in 1927, nearly stationary. In the left side of the chart insert of Arangkaa, Menalu Road, Menala Island From the United States Government Survey of 1915, Essang Bay. In the middle part insert of North Bay, Ngalipaeng Bay, Kawio Anchorage, Sawang and Ulu Roads. In the right side insert of Lirung Road, Sereh Bay, Beo Bay, Kulur Bay, Tabukan Road, Batu Baranggo Anch.e, Peta Bay, Dago Bay and Buhias Road. London Published at the Admiralty 15th Marc. 1893, under the Superintendence of Captain W.J.L. Wharton, Hydrographer. Small corrections: 1929. Autore: Admiralty Charts. Luogo: Indonesia - Celebes Sea. Anno: '900. Dimensioni: 463x645 mm

Anno di pubblicazione: '900
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