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Libros antiguos y modernos

No Author

Zodiac #22 International Magazine of Contemporary Architecture [Revue internationale d'architecture contemporaine, Rivista internazionale d'architettura contemporanea] Light Structures

Edizione Di Communita, 1973

140,00 €

Pistil Books Online

(Seattle, Estados Unidos)

Habla con el librero

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Año de publicación
Lugar de impresión
Milan, Italy
No Author
Edizione Di Communita
Ex Library
Maria Bottero, Paolo Nepoti, Robert Le Ricolais, Peter McCleary, Felix Candela, Serge Ketoff, Gernot Minke, Renzo Piano, Rinaldo Semino, Michael Burt, Keith Critchlow, Paul Marchant, Close Packing, Saddle Polyhedra, Prism Dovetail Polyhedra, Geodesic Domes
No Jacket
Oversize Hardback
Muy bueno
Copia autógrafa
Primera edición


Ex-library book re-bound by the library from a magazine into heavy, strong and very new red buckram library bindings with white lettering on the spine. This was a reference book, not let to general circulation and so remains in excellent condition throughout with clean pages free of marking of any kind, no dog-ears, on fine paper with english translation section on heavy paper at the back of the publication; . Covers remain unbumped. Articles include Premessa a Le Ricolais by Paolo Nepoti, Survey of Works: Sturcural Research 1935 - 1971 by Robert Le Ricolais, Some Structural Principles Exemplified in the Work of t Le Ricolais by Peter McCleary, Recent Works by Relix Candela, Deux faux problemes: l'abstraction et la practique by Serge Ketoff, Survey of works by Gernot Minke, Renzo Piano, Rinaldo Semino. Then a section on Close Packing with five articles: Saddle Polyhedra and Closepacking by Michael Burt, Closepacking by Keither Critchlow, Prism Dovetail Polyhedra by Paul Marchant, Towards a New Philosophy of Structure by Keithe Critchlow, Polyhedral Structures Conform to 2-3-4 Fold Symmetry or 2-4 Fold Symmetry, Survey of Works, by Keither Critchlow with Bios , Italina translations and English translations at the back. Lots of large b&w photos, plans, several fold-out sections, architectural drawings, maps. 254 pages.
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