Libros antiguos y modernos
TWO LITTLE SAVAGES Being the Adventures of Two Boys Who Lived as Indians and What They Learned
Doubleday, Page & Company, 1911
33,00 €
Buddenbrooks Inc.
(Newburyport, Estados Unidos)
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Edizione: early edition. thomson seton was a noted naturalist, author and wildlife artist but will always be best remembered as one of the pioneers of scouting. he was the author of the original boy scout handbook. he was personally responsible for the strong influence of american indian culture within the bsa and was highly influential upon lord baden-powell, the founder of scouting worldwide.<br> in the story, decorated throughout in a manner very similar to the original boy scout handbook, seton uses a tale of two boys who realize their dream of living in the woods like indians in order to demonstrate camping techniques and many other outdoor crafts. full of native american lore, the book teaches the reader how do do anything from light a fire to build a tepee, illustrated with exquisite pen and ink drawings and half-tone illustrations.<br> an extremely popular book, two little savages is lovingly remembered by those of us who were 20th century "boys" all throughout the united states and canada. it still enjoys an exceptionally good rating at goodreads.