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Libros antiguos y modernos

Best, Jan G. P. And Nanny M. W. De Vries (Eds.)

Thracians and Mycenaeans. Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Thracology, Rotterdam, 24 - 26 September 1984.

Leiden, New York, Kobenhavn, K�ln: E. J. Brill, 1989.,

49,00 €

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(Berlin, Alemania)

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Best, Jan G. P. And Nanny M. W. De Vries (Eds.)
Leiden, New York, Kobenhavn, K�ln: E. J. Brill, 1989.
306 p.: Ill., Maps. Paperback.
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Primera edición


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langj�igem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - leicht besto�n, berieben, Buchr�cken leicht ausgeblichen, sonst guter Zustand / slightly scuffed, rubbed, spine slightly faded, otherwise good condition. - The Fourth International Congress of Thracology was held in the Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam, from September 21-26, 1984 under the auspices of the International Committee of Thracology �W. Tomaschek� founded during the Third International Congress of Thracology in Vienna, June 1980. Organised by the Henri Frankfort Foundation, the theme of the congress was �Thracians and Mycenaeans� in an Indo-European context. Thracology and Mycenology are just two branches of Indo-European studies which are of equal value in the discussion on the interrelations between protoThracians and proto-Greeks, both having lived in the same geographic area. The subjects of the lectures could be grouped generally under the headings of archaeology, history and linguistics. / CONTENTS Preface Address by the Minister of Education and Science, W. J. Deetman, on the Occasion of the Opening of the Fourth International Congress of Thracology, Rotterdam, September 24, 1984 Thracians and Mycenaeans: methodology of the parallelism Alexander Fol SECTION ONE : ARCHAEOLOGY Schliemann�s Excavations at Troy D. F. Easton Possible Northern Intrusions at Mycenae Elizabeth French Thracians, Mycenaeans and �The Trojan Question� R. F. Hoddinott Relations actuelles entre la Thrace, la Gr� et l�Anatolie du nord- ouest ��� du bronze moyen et recent R. Katintcharov Mykenai, der mittlere Donauraum wahrend des Hajd�s�on- Horizontes und der Schatz von Val�ran Hartmut Matth� Metal Vessels in Bronze Age Europe and the Context of Vulchetrun Andrew Sherratt and Timothy Taylor SECTION TWO : LINGUISTICS AND HISTORY Thrakische Namen in mykenischer Schrift Jan Best Ethnonyme und geographische Bezeichnungen der Thraker bei Homer Iris von Bredow Midas Wanax Lawagetas Frank de Graaf Le roi et l�autorit�oyale. Parall�s politico-religieux thraco- myc�ens Dimiter Popov Les influences myc�ennes sur les Thraces Dimitrios C. Samsaris Mycenaean Penetration into Northern Greece D. W. Smit Mycenaean Thrace from the Fifth till the Third Century B.C. A Summary Jeanette Stakenborg-Hoogeveen Thracians, Luwians and Greeks in Bronze Age Central Greece . . . F. C. Woudhuizen SECTION THREE: VARIA THRACOLOGICA Tombeau royal de Svestari et certains aspects du culte s�lcral thrace Maria Cicikova Zu den Anf�en der griechischen Kolonisation an der �ischen K�ste Thrakiens und den Lageverschiebungen der Thrakerst�e gegen Ende des 2. und Anfang des 1. Jahrtausends v.u.Z Chr. M. Danov Thracian Burial Rites of Late Bronze and Early Iron Age D. Gergova Postilla to the Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Thracology John G. Griffith Tourn�en Rhodope du Sud et �amothrace N. C. Moutsopoulos Das Problem der kulturellen Einfl�sse in der Vorgeschichte und in der Geschichte Basilike Papoulia �Black Water� in the Thracian Hydronomy Adrian Parvulescu Consid�tions chrono-g�raphiques sur l�oscillation a/o en Thrace et en Daco-M�en Cicerone Poghirc. ISBN 9004088644