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Libros antiguos y modernos

Bagehot, Walter

The Works of Walter Bagehot [5 Bd.e]. Edited by Forrest Morgan.

Travelers Ins. Co. / Hartford, Conn., 1891.,

125,00 €

Bookshop Buch Fundus

(Berlin, Alemania)

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Bagehot, Walter
Travelers Ins. Co. / Hartford, Conn., 1891.
XCVI, 458 / 447 / 450 / 592 / III, 693 S. / p. Originalleinen / Cloth.
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Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langj�igem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Notizen im ersten Kapitel, ansonsten altersgem�sehr guter Zustand / Notes in the first chapter, otherwise very good condition for age - CONTENTS -- Editor�s Preface -- Memoir of Walter Bagehot, by R. H. Hutton (from �Literary Studies�) -- Bagehot as an Economist, by Robert Giffen [Fortnightly Review, April 1, 1880) -- Extracts from article on Oxford [Prospective Review, October, 1852) -- List of Alterations -- LITERARY STUDIES. -- The First Edinburgh Reviewers [National Review, October, 1825) -- Hartley Coleridge [Prospective Review, October, 1852) Percy Bysshe Shelley [National Review, October, 1856) B�nger [National Review, October, 1857) -- Mr. Clough�s. Poems [National Review, October, 1862) Wordsworth, Tennyson, and Browning ; or, Pure, Ornate, and Grotesque Art in English Poetry [National Review, November, 1864) -- Shakespeare the Man [Prospective Review, July, 1853) John Milton [National Review, July, 1859) -- Lady Mary Wortley Montagu [National Review, January, 1862) -- William Cowper [National Review, July, 1855) -- Appendix (Translations) -- LITERARY STUDIES -- Edward Gibbon (National Review, January, 1856) -- Thomas Babington Macaulay (National Review, April, 1856) -- Bishop Butler (Prospective Review, October, 1854) -- Sterne and Thackeray (National Review, April, 1864) -- The Waverley Novels (National Review, April, 1858) -- Charles Dickens (National Review, October, 1858) -- Henry Crabb Robinson (Fortnightly Review, Aug. 1, 1869) -- RELIGIOUS AND METAPHYSICAL ESSAYS -- The Ignorance of Man (National Review, April, 1862) -- On the Emotion of Conviction (Contemporary Review, April, 1871) -- The Metaphysical Basis of Toleration (Contemporary Review, April, 1874) -- The Public Worship Regulation Bill (Economist, July 18, 1874) -- LETTERS ON THE FRENCH COUP D��AT -- The Dictatorship -- The Morality of the Coup d�Etat -- On the new Constitution of France, and the aptitude of the French character for national freedom -- On the aptitude of the French character for national self-government -- On the Constitution of the Prince-President -- The French Newspaper Press -- Concluding letter -- The Character of Sir Robert Peel (National Review, July, 1856) Lord Brougham {National Review, July, 1857) -- Mr. Gladstone (National Review, July, 1860) . -- William Pitt (National Review, July, 1861) -- Bolingbroke as a Statesman (National Review, April, 1863) -- Sir George Cornewall Lewis {National Review, October, 1863) The Tribute at Hereford to Sir G. C. Lewis (Economist, Sept. -- 10, 1864) -- Adam Smith as a Person (Fortnightly Review, July, 1876) -- Lord Althorp and the Reform Act of 1832 (Fortnightly Review, November, 1876) -- Memoir of Right Hon. James Wilson (Supplement to Economist, Nov. 17, 1860) -- The Prince Consort (Economist, Dec. 21, 1861) -- What Lord Lyndhurst really was {Economist, Oct. 17, 1863) -- Mr. Cobden (Economist, April 8, 1865) -- Lord Palmerston {Economist, Oct. 21, 1865) -- The Earl of Clarendon (Economist, July 2, 1870) -- Mr. Lowe as Chancellor of the Exchequer (Economist, May -- 20, 1871) -- M. Guizot (Economist, Sept. 19, 1874) -- Professor Cairnes (Economist, July 17, 1875) -- Mr. Disraeli as a Member of the House of Commons (Economist, August 19, 1876) -- THE ENGLISH CONSTITUTION -- Introduction to the Second Edition -- The Cabinet -- The Monarchy -- Same, continued -- The House of Lords -- The House of Commons -- On Changes of Ministry -- Its supposed Checks and Balances -- The prerequisites of Cabinet Government, and the peculiar form which they have assumed in England -- Its history, and the effects of that history -- Conclusion -- Parliamentary Reform (National Review, January, 1859) -- The History of the Unreformed Parliament, and its Lessons (National Review, January, 1860) -- PHYSICS AND POLITICS -- The Preliminary Age -- The Use of Conflict -- Nation-making -- Same, continued -- The Age of Discussion -- Verifiable Progress Politically Considered -- LOMBARD STREET -- Advertisement [Bagehot�s] -- Introductory -- A general view of Lombard Street -- How Lombard Street came to exist, and why it assumed its present form -- The position of the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the money market -- The mode in which the value of money is settled in Lombard Street -- Why Lombard Street is often very dull and sometimes extremely excited -- A more exact account of the mode in which the Bank of England has discharged its duty of retaining a good bank reserve, and of administering it effectually -- The government of the Bank of England -- The Joint-Stock Banks -- The Private Banks -- The Bill-Brokers -- The principles which should regulate the amount of the banking reserve to be kept by the Bank of England -- Conclusion -- Appendix -- ECONOMIC STUDIES -- Prefatory Note -- The Postulates of English Political Economy -- THE TRAVELERS INS. CO.�S BAGEHOT -- The Transferability of Labor -- The Transferability of Capital -- The Preliminaries of Political Economy -- Adam Smith and our Modern Economy -- Malthus -- Ricardo -- The Late Mr. Mill -- The Growth of Capital -- Cost of Production -- Appendix (on Market Price) -- INTERNATIONAL COINAGE -- Preface to Second Edition -- The alleged and the real advantages of an international coinage -- The real advantage of an international measure of account -- The conditions which an international coinage should satisfy, and the reasons why no existing coinage ful- fills them -- The practical proposals for an international coinage -- Same, continued -- The result of the international-coinage discussion -- DEPRECIATION OF SILVER -- Preface -- The low value of silver and its effect on India -- The remedies for the fall in silver -- Further suggestions on the fall in silver -- The effects of the resumption of specie payments in France on the price of silver -- The effect of a depreciation of silver on our foreign, and especially on our Eastern trade -- The extreme fall in silver, and the hasty remedies proposed -- The Report of the Committee on the Depreciation of Silver -- The proposal of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce to suspend the coinage of silver in India -- The debate on the Indian Budget -- The different effect on trade of a cheapening of the precious metals, and of a depreciation of inconvertible paper -- The American Commission on the Currency -- The permanent effect of an increase of �Council Bills� on the flow of silver to India and upon the Indian exchanges -- The effect of the �Council Bills� on the Indian exchanges -- The minute of the Indian government on the depreciation of silver -- A proposed remedy for the depreciation of the silver coinage of India -- The transition state of the silver market -- Bimetallism.