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Alexander, James, Charlotte Balkanyi Norman B. Atkins U. A.

The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis and Bulletin of the International Psycho-Analytical Association. Volume 49; 1968. Ed.: John Sutherland / u.a.

Published for the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, London by - Bailliere, Tindall + Cassell Ltd.,,

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Alexander, James, Charlotte Balkanyi Norman B. Atkins U. A.
Published for the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, London by, Bailliere, Tindall + Cassell Ltd.,
X; 756 S.; Tab.; 26,5 cm; goldgepr. Halbleinenband.
International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Jahrgang 1968, Psychoanalyse, Psychologie, Medizin
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Primera edición


Gutes Exemplar; innen div. Stempel. - Kompletter Jahrgang 1968; in priv. Einband nachgebunden. - Englisch. - INHALT : JAMES ALEXANDER and ROY M. WHITMAN: On gloating. ----- JAMES ALEXANDER and K. S. ISAACS: The psychology of the fool. ----- DIDIER ANZIEU: Comment on Dr Brenner's paper. ----- NORMAN B. ATKINS: Contribution to Symposium on acting out. ----- CHARLOTTE BALKANYI: Language, verbalization and superego. ----- JOSE BARCHILON: Camus' The Fall. '. ----- B. BARTOLESCHI and A. NOVELETTO: Contribution to Symposium on child analysis and paediatrics. ----- ANITA BELL: Additional aspects of passivity and feminine identification in the male. ----- ESTHER BICK: The experience of the skin in early object relations. ----- BRIAN BIRD: On candidate selection and its relation to analysis. ----- HAROLD P. BLUM: Childhood physical illness and invalid adult personality. ----- CLEMENS de BOOR: Comment on Dr Musaph's paper. CHARLES BRENNER: Archaic features of ego functioning ----- TOBIAS BROCHER: Comment on paper by Drs Joffe and Sandier. ----- DOROTHY BURLINGHAM: Occupations and toys for blind children. ----- KENNETH CALDER: How psychoanalytic institutes evaluate applicants' replies to a questionnaire ----- JUSTIN D. CALL: Lap and finger play in infancy. L. CHERTOK: The discovery of the transference. ----- LAURA A. DEMARIA: Contribution to Symposium on acting out. ----- RENE DIATKINE: Contribution to Symposium on indications and contraindications for psychoanalytic treatment. ----- RUDOLF EKSTEIN: Impulse-acting-out-purpose: psychotic adolescents. ----- HANS F. FINK: Contribution to Symposium on psychic traumatization through social catastrophe ----- FRANCO FORNARI: Comment on Dr Meltzer's paper. ----- ANNA FREUD: Contribution to Symposium on acting out W. ERNEST FREUD: Some general reflections on the ----- metapsychological profile. ----- ROBERT A. FURMAN: Contribution to Symposium on ----- child analysis and paediatrics. ----- ROBERT A. FURMAN: Comment on Dr Stern's paper. HECTOR GARBARINO: Contribution to Symposium on ----- acting out. ----- ANGEL GARMA: Contribution to Symposium on psychosomatics. ----- ARNOLD L. GILBERG: The Ecumenical Movement and the treatment of nuns. ----- PETER GIOVACCHINI: Comment on Dr Weissman's paper. ----- I. PETER GLAUBER: Dysautomatization: a disorder of preconscious ego functioning. ----- PHYLLIS GREENACRE: Contribution to Symposium on acting out. ----- RALPH R. GREENSON: Disidentifying from mother ----- LEON GRINBERG: Contribution to Symposium on acting out. ----- ARNO GRUEN: Autonomy and identification: the paradox of their opposition. ----- SAMUEL A. GUTTMAN: Contribution to Symposium on indications and contraindications for psychoanalytic treatment. ----- LADISLAV HAAS: The secondary defensive struggle against the symptom in sexual disturbances. ----- MARCEL HEIMAN: Comment on Dr Stoller's paper ----- PAULA HEIMANN: The evaluation of applicants for ----- psychoanalytic training. ----- KLAUS D. HOPPE: Contribution to Symposium on psychic ----- traumatization through social catastrophe KENNETH S. ISAACS and J. ALEXANDER: The ----- psychology of the fool. ----- DANIEL S. JAFFE: The mechanism of projection RUTH JAFFE: Contribution to Symposium on psychic ----- traumatization through social catastrophe W. G. JOFFE and J. J. SANDLER: Comments on the ----- psychoanalytic psychology of adaptation. MARK KANZER: Ego alteration and acting out ----- OTTO KERNBERG: The treatment of patients with borderline personality organization. ----- JUDITH S. KESTENBERG: Acting out in the analysis of children and adults. ----- JOHN KLAUBER: On the dual use of historical and scientific method in psychoanalysis. ----- HEINZ KOHUT: The evaluation of applicants for psychoanalytic training. ----- OTAKARKUCERA: On being acted on. ----- P. C. KUIPER: Contribution to Symposium on indications and contraindications for psychoanalytic treatment. ----- P. C. KUIPER: Comment on paper by Drs Orgel and Shengold. ----- FREDERICK KURTH and A. PATTERSON: Structuring aspects of the penis. ----- J. L. LANG: Contribution to Symposium on child analysis and paediatrics. ----- JEAN LAPLANCHE and J-B. PONTALIS: Fantasy and the origins of sexuality. ----- MOSES LAUFER: Comment on Dr Kestenberg's paper. ----- SERGE LEBOVICI: Contribution to Symposium on acting out. ----- P. J. van der LEEUW: The psychoanalytic Society DAVID LIBERMAN: Comment on Dr Waldhorn's paper A. LIMENTANI: On drug dependence. ----- GARDNER LINDZEY: Psychoanalytic theory: paths of change. ----- EBBE J. LINNEMANN: Comment on Dr Wood's paper. ----- RALPH B. LITTLE: The resolution of oral conflicts in a spider phobia. ----- R. M. LOEWENSTEIN: Comment on Dr Naiman's paper L. BORJE LOFGREN: Castration anxiety and the body ego ----- ALFRED LORENZER: Contribution to Symposium on psychic traumatization through social catastrophe. ----- ANNA MAENCHEN: Comment on Dr Ekstein's paper. ----- MARGARET S. MAHLER: Comment on Dr Lofgren's paper. ----- PIERRE MARTY: Contribution to Symposium on psycho-somatics. ----- W. W. MEISSNER: Dreaming as process. ----- W. W. MEISSNER: Notes on dreaming: dreaming as a cognitive process. ----- DONALD MELTZER: Terror, persecution, dread ----- ALEXANDER MITSCHERLICH: Contribution to Symposium on psychosomatics. ----- MARGARETHE MITSCHERLICH: Contribution to Symposium on acting out. ----- R. E. MONEY-KYRLE: Cognitive development. ----- BURNESS MOORE: Contribution to Symposium on acting out. ----- (u.v.a.)