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Libros antiguos y modernos

Blois, Lukas De, Peter Funke And Johannes Hahn (Eds.)

The Impact of Imperial Rome on Religions, Ritual and Religious Life in the Roman Empire. Proceedings from the Fifth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, 200 B.C. - A.D. 476) M�nster, June 30 - July 4, 2004.

Leiden - Boston : Brill, 2006.,

89,00 €

Bookshop Buch Fundus

(Berlin, Alemania)

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Blois, Lukas De, Peter Funke And Johannes Hahn (Eds.)
Leiden, Boston : Brill, 2006.
XI, 287 p., ill. Original cloth.
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Primera edición


From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Somewhat stained binding, otherwise very good and clean. / Etwas angeschmutzter Einband, sonst sehr gut und sauber. - CONTENTS: Preface -- Johannes Hahn, Einleitung: R�mische Herrschaft und Religion - Aspekte und Fragestellungen -- 1. Empire, Expansion and Religion -- J�rg R�pke, Urban Religion and Imperial Expansion: Priesthoods in the Lex Ursonensis -- Olivier Hekster, Descendants of Gods: Legendary Genealogies in the Roman Empire -- John Nicols, The Civic Religion and Civic Patronage -- Clifford Ando, Interpretatio Romana -- 2. Centre and Periphery, Local Cults and Imperial Impact -- Nicole Belayche, Les st�s dites de confession: une religiosit�riginale dans l�Anatolie imp�ale? -- Vera E. Hirschmann, Der Montanismus und der r�mische Staat -- Ted Kaizer, Reflections on the Dedication of the Temple of Bel at Palmyra in AD 32 -- Johan H.M. Strubbe, The Imperial Cult at Pessinous -- Frits G. Naerebout, After the High Roman Fashion? The Temple at Ras el-Soda Seen in Context -- G�nther Sch�rner, Opferritual und Opferdarstellung im r�mischen Kleinasien - Ein Testfall f�r das Zentrum-Peripherie-Modell -- Arbia Hilali, La mentalit�eligieuse des soldats de l�arm�romaine d�Afrique: l�exemple des dieux syriens et palmyr�ens -- Martijn leks, Priesthood and Imperial Power. The Religious Reforms of Heliogabalus, 220-222 AD -- 3. Priests, Priestesses and Bishops -- Emily A. Hemelrijk, Imperial Priestesses, a Preliminary Survey -- Marietta Horster, (Weibliche) Priester�er in griechischen St�en - Bemerkungen zum Wandel in der �erlieferung -- Rudolf Haensch, Pagane Priester des r�mischen Heeres im 3. Jahrhundert nach Christus -- Danielle Slootjes, Governor Trumped by Bishop: Shifting Boundaries in Roman Religious and Public Life -- 4. Imperial Divinity -- Claudia Salz, Die Mondsichel der Kaiserin -- Janneke de Jong, Egyptian Papyri and 'Divinity' of the Roman Emperor -- Inge Mennen, The Image of an Emperor in Trouble (Legitimation and Representation of Power by Caracalla) -- Lukas de Blois, Emperorship in a Period of Crises. Changes in Emperor Worship, Imperial Ideology and Perceptions of Imperial Authority in the Roman Empire in the Third Century A.D. ISBN 9789004154605