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Libros antiguos y modernos

Clack, Jerry (Ed.)

The Classical World. Vol. 81. Published by the Classical Association of the Atlantic States.

Pittsburgh : Duquesne University, September 1987 - August 1988.,

39,00 €

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(Berlin, Alemania)

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Clack, Jerry (Ed.)
Pittsburgh : Duquesne University, September 1987 - August 1988.
492 p. Original softcover.
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From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Occasional annotation in text, but overall good and clean. / Vereinzelte Anmerkungen im Text, aber insgesamt gut und sauber. - Contents: No. 1: Roger Dunkle: Nestor, Odysseus, and the Metis-Bie Antithesis: The Funeral Games, Iliad 23 -- Daniel B. Levine: Flens Matrona et Meretrices Gaudentes: Penelope and Her Maids -- Paedagogus -- Judith Grand Rubenstein: DISCO -- Dorothea Wender: Monarchs, Cliffs, and Justice in the Republic -- Patricia Graham: The University and Its Community: Latin and Greek at Loyola for the Chicago Board of Education -- CAAS Committee Structure, 1987-88 -- CAAS: Program of Meeting, September 25-26, 1987 at Princeton University -- Reviews -- Books Received. - No. 2: Studies in Greek Lyric Poetry: 1975-1985 by Douglas E. Gerber, Part 1: 1. Introduction -- 2. General -- 3. Iambus and Elegy -- 4. Iambus -- A. Archilochus -- B. Semonides -- C. Hipponax -- 5. Elegy -- A. Callinus -- B. Tyrtaeus -- C. Mimnermus -- D. Solon -- E. Xenophanes -- F. Theognis -- G. PhocyIides -- H. Critias -- 6. Melic Poets (excluding Pindar) -- A. Aleman -- B. Stesichorus -- C. Sappho, Alcaeus, Incertum utrius auctoris fragmenta -- D. Sappho. - No. 3: Joseph Pucci: The pollex of Ovid in Prudentius and Angilbert -- C. Fred Alford: A Note on the Institutional Context of Plato�s Protagoras -- Judith Lynn Sebesta: Textbooks in Greek and Latin: 1988 Survey -- Scholia -- Timothy M. Teeter: A Note on Charioteer Inscriptions -- Craig Manning: Nemean X and the Juturna- Episode in Aeneid XII -- In the Schools -- CAAS/PCS: Program of Meeting, April 29-30, 1988, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania -- Reviews -- Books Received. - No. 4: Niall W. Slater: The Fictions of Patriarchy in Terence�s Hecyra -- Marjorie Susan Venit: The Caputi Hydria and Working Women in Classical Athens -- John C. Traupman: Audio-Visual Materials in the Classics: 1988 Supplementary Survey -- Notes and News -- In the Schools -- Reviews -- Books Received. - No. 5: Marilyn B. Skinner: Aesthetic Patterning in Catullus: Textual Structures, Systems of Imagery and Book Arrangements: Introduction -- John Douglas Minyard: The Source of the Catulli Veronensis Liber -- Amy Richlin: Systems of Food Imagery in Catullus -- David A. Traill: Ring Composition in Catullus 63, 64 and 68b -- Helena Dettmer: Design in the Catullan Corpus: A Preliminary Study -- Joy K. King: Catullus� Callimachean carmina, cc. 65-116 -- Judith P. Hallett: Catullus on Composition: Response -- Reviews. - No. 6: Studies in Greek Lyric Poetry: 1975-1985 by Douglas E. Gerber, Part 2: 6. Melic Poets (excluding Pindar) -- E. Alcaeus -- F. Ibycus -- G. Anacreon -- H. Simonides -- I. Bacchylides -- J. Corinna -- K. Melici minores, Carmina convivialia, Carmina popularia, Fragmenta adespota -- 8. Pindar -- A. Olympian Odes -- B. Pythian Odes -- C. Nemean Odes -- D. Isthmian Odes -- E. Fragments.