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Libros antiguos y modernos

Stephan Parmentier, Lode Walgrave, Ivo Aertsen, Jeroen Maesschal, Ck, Letizia Paoli (Eds)

Sparking Discipline of Criminology, John Braithwaite and the construction of critical social science and social justice

, UPL, 2011,

34,50 €

Erik Tonen Books

(Antwerpen, Bélgica)

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Stephan Parmentier, Lode Walgrave, Ivo Aertsen, Jeroen Maesschal, Ck, Letizia Paoli (Eds)
, UPL, 2011
Universitaire Pers Leuven, Universitaire Pers, Universitaire Pers, Universitaire Pers


paperback, 164 p., English, . ISBN 9789058678836. With a contribution by John Braithwaite himself: 'Opportunities and dangers of capitalist criminology' Over the past decades, the Australian social scientist John Braithwaite (1951) has played a crucial role in the development of international criminology. He is universally considered one of the most renowned criminologists of our times and he has characteristically put his scientific engagement at the service of humanity and society by aiming at social justice, participative democracy, sustainable development and world peace. In this collection of essays a number of well-known academics reflect on the work of John Braithwaite.
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