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Libros antiguos y modernos

Davis, Simon

RACE RELATIONS IN ANCIENT EGYPT Greek, Egyptian, Hebrew, Roman Good in Good+ dust jacket

Methuen & Company, 1953

60,00 €

Ancient World Books Bookshop

(Toronto, Ontario, Canadá)

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Davis, Simon
Methuen & Company
Greek Classical Greek & Roman Greece Antiquity Judaica Judaism, Jews Jewish Studies Egypt
Good in Good+ dust jacket


Ex-library copy with usual stamps, call numbers and pocket. Dustjacket is price-clipped and protected in library protective sleeve which has been taped to book leaving tape stains on inner covers. Mark on text-block in red felt marker. ; Greek Exclusiveness & the Political Ideals of Alexander the Great; The Hellenistic Age; The Earliest Greek Contact with Egypt; Alexander in Egypt; The Papyri & their Value; The Hellenization of Egypt; Alexandria; The Earliest Hebrew Contact with Egypt; The Jews in Egypt in later Times; The Question of Jewish Citizenship at Alexandria; The Greek Contact with the Jews: Anti-Semitism; Hellenism; The Roman Attitude to Race-The Republic; The Empire. ; 176 pages
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