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Libros antiguos y modernos

Dandamayev, Mukhammed Abdulkadyrovich

Rabstvo v Vavilonii VII-IV vv do n. e. 626-331 gg. (= "Slavery in Babylonia from the 7th to 4th centuries, years 626-331 BC" = "Sklaverei in Babylonien, 7. bis 4 Jahrhundert / 626-331 v.u.Z.").

Moskau, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", glavnaya redaktsiya vostochnoi - literatury, 1974.,

98,00 €

Bookshop Buch Fundus

(Berlin, Alemania)

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Dandamayev, Mukhammed Abdulkadyrovich
Moskau, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", glavnaya redaktsiya vostochnoi, literatury, 1974.
492 S.; 22 cm. Originalleinenband.
Sklaverei, Sklavenhandel, Geschichte, Babylonien, Altertum, Arch�ogie, Fr�hgeschichte, Sklave
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Gutes Ex. - Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Dr. Wolfram Kleiss, langj�igem Direktor des Deutschen Arch�ogischen Instituts Teheran. Mit handschriftlicher lateinischer Widmung des Autors an Wolfram Kleiss auf dem Vorsatz. Vereinzelte handschriftliche Korrekturen im Text. Russisch und Babylonisch, mit englischer Zusammenfassung. // INHALT : Preface ---- A Brief Survey of Sources ---- The Most Important Contributions to the Problem ---- A Short Account of Socio-Economic History of Babylonia in the 7th-4th Centuries B C (political history-the estates; law; agriculture and agrarian conditions; handicrafts; taxes; position of temples; money; commerce; prices; the administration) ---- Chapter 1 Slavery in the Private Households ---- Definition of Slavery ---- Terms for Slaves ---- Sources of Slavery (the practice of abandoning children; enslavement for crimes; houseborn slaves; prisoners of war; ethnic origin and names of slaves) ---- Hiring of Slaves and Free Labourers ---- Hiring of Slave Women for Use in Brothels ; ---- Pledging of Slaves (the pledge, with seizure and without; usufruct) ---- Pledging of Freeborn and Enslavement for Debt (surety; seizure of the defaulting debtor; imprisonment for debt; pledging and sale of children; self-sale; the role of debt slavery) ---- Slave-sale Contracts (formulas of the documents; guarantee clause; sale on credit; price of slaves) ---- Donatio mortis causa and dotis causa ---- Approximate Number of Slaves per Family ---- Fugitive Slaves ---- Branding ---- Overseers of Slaves Confinement of Slaves in Fetters and in Prison ---- Living Conditions and Clothing of Slaves ---- The Data on Duration of a Slave's Life ---- Productivity of Slave Labour ---- Slaves in Domestic Service ---- Slaves in Construction Work ---- Slaves in Agriculture (slaves as tenants of privately-owned fields and of temple lands; contractors and lessors; slaves as lessees of fish ponds; slave labour in cattle ranching; productivity of slave labour in agriculture compared with free labour) ---- Slaves in Handicraft Industries (slave apprenticeship contracts; ---- references to slave artisans; free labour in industry; the problem of guilds; productivity of slave labour in industry compared with free labour) , , ---- Slaves as Agents ---- Peculium (slaves as creditors, debtors and merchants; slaves as ta-vernkeepers, tenants of houses; slaves as owners of houses, land and workshops) ---- Dayan-bel-usur, a slave of the House of Egibi ---- Nergal-rjsiia, a slave of Iddin-Marduk ---- Slaves as Slaveowners (sale and purchase ol slaves by slaves; hiring of freeborn by slaves; slaves as pledges of other slaves; transactions between slaves and their servi tiearii) ---- Annual Tax, or Quit-Rent (mandatlu) Paid by Slaves ---- The Economic and Legal Character of the Peculium ---- Slaves as Witnesses in Contracts Seals and Patronymics of Slaves Oaths given by Slaves ---- Marriage of Slaves Marriages between Privately-owned and Temple Slaves Intermarriage between Slave and Free ---- Slaves as Officials and Taxpayers Corvee Obligations of Slaves ---- Slaves as Criminals ---- The Testimony of Slaves in Court Slaves as Plaintiffs and Defendants ---- Manumission Adoption of Slaves by Freeborn ---- Legal Status and Actual Position of Slaves ---- Chapter 2 Temple Slavery ---- Terms for Temple Slaves ---- Sources of Temple Slavery (dedication of war captives, privately-owned slaves and children of defaulting debtors; children of temple slaves) ---- Branding ---- Fugitive Temple Slaves and their Confinement in Fetters ---- Rations and Clothing of Temple Slaves ---- Overseers of Temple Slaves ---- Temple Slaves in Agriculture (in irrigation and agriculture works and in cattle ranching) ---- Temple Slaves in Industry ---- Temple Slaves as Watchmen ---- Temple Slaves as Agents ---- Hiring of Temple Slaves ---- Temple Slaves as Contractors (creditors and debtors, house-and landowners, lessors and lessees of land, owners of cattle) ---- Tax Paid by Temple Slaves ---- Temple Slaves as Plaintiffs and Defendants ---- Temple Slaves as Witnesses to Contracts The Testimony of Temple Slaves in Court; Oaths and Seals; Patronymics and Marriage Taxpayers ---- The Legal Status of Temple Slaves ---- Royal Slavery ---- A Brief Account of the Royal Economy ---- Slaves of the King ("state Slavery*, war captives) ---- "The Slaves of the Palace" ---- Social Status of the Carda ---- Chapter 4 Glebae Aclscripti ---- Terms "ikkaru" and "erresu" ---- Temple Farmers ---- State and Privately-owned Farmers ---- Sysan u // (u.a.)

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