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Libros antiguos y modernos


Prior Analytics. Translated, with introduction, notes, and commentary, by Robin Smith.

Indianapolis - Cambridge : Hackett Publishing, 1989.,

49,00 €

Bookshop Buch Fundus

(Berlin, Alemania)

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Formas de Pago


Indianapolis, Cambridge : Hackett Publishing, 1989.
XXXI, 262 p. Original cloth.
Copia autógrafa
Primera edición


From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Slight staining on bottom edge, otherwise very good and clean. / Leichte Anschmutzung auf Fu�chnitt, sonst sehr gut und sauber. - INTRODUCTION: The Content of the Prior Analytics. From Aristotle�s viewpoint, the Prior Analytics is simply the first part of the Analytics', the second part is the work known to us as the Posterior Analytics. The subject of the latter is proof or demonstration (apodeixis), that is, argumentation which produces scientific understanding (episteme). Aristotle makes it clear from the start that this is also the subject of the entire Analytics, and thus of its first part, the Prior. Aristotle conceives of a demonstrative science as a system of demonstrations, which in turn are a type of deduction (sullogismos). Accordingly, the Prior Analytics gives an account of deductions in general and the Posterior discusses the specific character of those deductions which are demonstrations. Although the relationship of the two parts of the Analytics appears to be straightforward enough on this account, controversies have arisen about its details and its history. In many respects, the Prior Analytics is the more highly developed work: in the Posterior, Aristotle often seems ignorant of technical results contained in it. Some scholars have argued that the philosophical environments of the two parts are also different. To mention the most important such study, Friedrich Solmsen undertook to recover the course of historical development of Aristotle�s logical doctrines using Jaeger�s view that Aristotle evolved from an early Platonic stance in philosophy to a mature position hostile to Platonism. He concluded that the Posterior Analytics was the earlier work and that it reflected a more primitive stage of the theory of deduction than that found in the Prior. Controversy about this point is still not ended. At issue here are two points. ISBN 9780872200654