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Libros antiguos y modernos

Clough, A. H.

Plutarch's Lives: The Translation called Dryden's, 5 Vol. tg.

Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1875.,

249,00 €

Bookshop Buch Fundus

(Berlin, Alemania)

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Clough, A. H.
Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1875.
Vol. I: XXIX, 414 p.; Vol. II: 422 p.; Vol. III: 452 p.; Vol. IV: 570 p.; Vol. V: 618 p.
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Primera edición


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langj�igem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Zustand dem Alter entsprechend: Vol. I: berieben, Buchr�cken besto�n mit einem kleinen Einriss, Kopfschnitt angegraut, handschriftliche Anmerkungen auf Vorsatz, Seiten angegilbt, vereinzelt Anstreichungen im Buch; Vol. II: Einband weist Flecken auf, Buchr�cken besto�n, Kopfschnitt angegraut, Fu�chnitt angeschmutzt, handschriftliche Anmerkungen auf Vorsatz, Seiten angegilbt; Vol. III: Einband berieben, weist au�rdem Verschmutzungen auf, Buchr�cken besto�n, Kopfschnitt angegraut, handschriftliche Anmerkungen auf Vorsatz, Seiten angegilbt; Vol. IV: Einband berieben, mit kleineren Verschmutzungen, Kratzer auf Hinterdeckel, Buchr�cken besto�n, Kopfschnitt angegraut, handschriftliche Anmerkungen auf Vorsatz, Seiten angegilbt; Vol. V: Einband berieben und mit Verschmutzungen, Buchr�cken besto�n, Kopfschnitt angegraut, handschriftliche Anmerkungen auf Vorsatz, Seiten angegilbt / Condition according to age: Vol. I: rubbed, spine bumped with a small tear, top edge grayed, handwritten annotations on endpapers, pages yellowed, occasional annotations in book; Vol. II: binding has stains, spine bumped, top edge grayed, bottom edge soiled, handwritten annotations on endpapers, pages yellowed; Vol. III: binding rubbed, also has soiling, spine bumped, top edge grayed, handwritten annotations on endpapers, pages yellowed; Vol. IV: binding rubbed, with minor soiling, scratches on back cover, spine bumped, top edge grayed, handwritten annotations on endpapers, pages yellowed; Vol. V: binding rubbed and with soiling, spine bumped, top edge grayed, handwritten annotations on endpapers, pages yellowed. - GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. VOLUME I. Preface and Life of Plutarch Life of Theseus Life of Romulus Comparison of Romulus with Theseus Life of Lycurgus Life of Numa Pompilius Comparison of Numa with Lycurgus Life of Solon Life of Poplicola Comparison of Poplicola with Solon Life of Themistocles Life of Camillus Life of Pericles Life of Fabius Comparison of Fabius with Pericles Appendix / VOLUME II. Life of Alcibiades Life of Coriolanus Comparison of Coriolanus with Alcibiades Life of Timoleon Life of Emilius Paulus Comparison of JEmilius Paulus with Timoleon Life of Pelopidas . Life of Marcellus Comparison of Marcellus with Pelopidas Life of Aristides Life of Cato the Elder . Comparison of Cato the Elder with Aristides Life of Philopiemen Life of Flamininus Comparison of Flamininus with Philopcemen Appendix / VOLUME III. Life of Pyrrhus Life of Marius Life of Lysander Life of Sylla Comparison of Sylla with Lysander Life of Cimon Life of Lucullus . Comparison of Lucullus with Cimon Life of Nicias Life of Crassus Comparison of Crassus with Nicias Life of Sertorius Life of Eumenes . Comparison of Eumenes with Sertorius Appendix / VOLUME IV. Life of Agesilaus Life of Pompey . Comparison of Pompey with Agesilaus Life of Alexander Life of Cesar Life of Phocion Life of Cato the Younger Life of Agis Life of Cleomenes Life of Tiberius Gracchus Life of Caius Gracchus Comparison of Tiberius and Caius Gracchus with Agis and Cleomenes Appendix / VOLUME V. Life of Demosthenes Life of Cicero Comparison of Cicero with Demosthenes Life of Demetrius Life of Antony Comparison of Antony with Demetrius Life of Dion Life of Marcus Brutus Comparison of Marcus Brutus with Dion Life of Aratus Life of Artaxerxes Life of Galba Life of Otho Appendix Index of Historical and Geographical Proper Names Index for reference as to the Pronunciation of Proper Names.