Libros antiguos y modernos
D. D. Osheroff, W. J. Gully, R. C. Richardson, And D. M. Lee.
"New Magnetic Phenomena in Liquid He3 below 3 mK".
130,00 €
Cellerino Luigi Studio Bibliografico
(Alessandria, Italia)
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"Osheroff, Richardson, and Lee were looking for a phase transition to a kind of magnetic order in solid helium-3 at very low temperatures. They were achieving these temperatures by using what was called “Pomeranchuk cooling” – putting pressure on a mixture of solid and liquid helium-3. In the first Letter ("Evidence for a New Phase of Solid He3",THE PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Vol. 28, N. 14, 3 April 1972, pp. 885-888) two anomalies in the measurement were interpreted as phase transitions in solid helium-3. But because of uncertainties in the interpretation the authors used a crude version of what later was named “magnetic resonance imaging” to determine that the anomalies were in the liquid. Other measurements led to the conclusion that they had in fact discovered superfluid helium-3. An important element in this interpretation was the theoretical work of Leggett (see following Milestone). For this research Osheroff, Richardson, and Lee received the 1996 Nobel Prize in Physics “for the discovery of superfluid helium-3”.For further information see David Lee’s Nobel lecture [Rev. Mod. Phys. 69, 645 (1997) (free PDF)] and the Nobel Committee’s press release." ( https://journals.aps.org/prl/50years/milestones ). Stroke, p. 470.