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Libros antiguos y modernos

Cuyck, Pieter Van

Lyk-staetsie van Zyne Doorluchtigste Hoogheid den Heere Willem Carel Hendrik Friso, Prince van Orange en Nassau . : gehouden de IV. februari MDCCLII / naeuwkeuriglyk nagetekent door P. van Cuyk, Junior ; en in het kooper gebragt door J. Punt.

Printed by Daniel Monnier for Pieter Gosse junior and Nicolaes - van Daalen, 1755

1500,00 €

Cole & Contreras Books

(Sitges, España)

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Lugar de impresión
's Gravenhage (The Hague)
Cuyck, Pieter Van
Printed by Daniel Monnier for Pieter Gosse junior and Nicolaes, van Daalen
coleillus coleantiq sxxi
Copia autógrafa
Primera edición


A monumental fête-book devoted to the funeral procession of Willem IV from the Hague to Delft. 40 pp. + 41 large folding plates (40 of which are drawn by P. v. Cuyck jun. and engraved by J. Punt), COMPLETE. Printed on extremely fine laid paper, with huge margins. SIGNED in ink above the colophon by the publisher, Pieter Gosse junior. Large folio (53 cm). Attractively bound in later quarter morocco and marbled boards (spine a bit scuffed and extremities a little worn). Top edge gilt, other edges uncut, internally FINE AND BRIGHT. Hiler 209; Destailleur (1891) 321; Muller II 4032; van Stolk V 4033; Lipperheide 2674; Ruggieri 1108; Sander 1618; Landwehr 231; Vinet 646 ("Il faut encore tenir compte d'une planche double qui représente l'arrivée du cortège devant l'église sur la grande place du marché de Delft. Cette planche rend à merveille l'aspect général d'une cérémonie lugubre sous le ciel d'un hiver hollandais.") Rare in such fine condition.
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