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Libros antiguos y modernos

Laffon De Ladebat, Andre-Daniel (Frederic Masson, Editor)

Journal de ma deportation a la Guyane Francaise (Fructidor an V - Ventose an VIII). Publie d'apres les manuscrits inedits avec une introduction

Paris: Librairie Paul Ollendorf, 1912,

475,00 €

Cole & Contreras Books

(Sitges, España)

Habla con el librero

Formas de Pago


Laffon De Ladebat, Andre-Daniel (Frederic Masson, Editor)
Paris: Librairie Paul Ollendorf, 1912
coleantiq french guyana guyane francaise fran aise travel south, america american cayenne devil's island
Copia autógrafa
Primera edición


FIRST AND ONLY edition of this important late 18th-century first-hand account of life as an exile in French Guyana. ONE OF ONLY FOUR NUMBERED COPIES PRINTED ON FINE IMPERIAL JAPAN PAPER (another 5 copies were printed on Dutch laid paper). Such large-paper copies are highly desirable since the regular edition was printed on cheap woodpulp paper which is now crumbling into dust. [4], 383 pp. 8vo. Attractively bound in quarter calf and marbled boards, spine gilt. Minimal wear to edges of boards, else a fine and uncut copy. Extremely rare in this state.
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