Libros antiguos y modernos
Guidi Guido
Guido Guidi. Varianti
Art& Edizioni, 1995
900,00 €
a+mbookstore Libreria
(Milano, Italia)
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"Varianti is a project book conceived entirely by the author, both as regards the choice of images and the text. Guido Guidi, one of the most sophisticated and elegant contemporary Italian photographers, visualized this book as a sequence of images unfolding with the natural rhythm of pure, intimate narration, like the simple story told by an album of photographs. All images dated from 1969 to 1994 are reproduced to their original scale in their entirety as light objects, resting on the page with their marks that manipulation and the passage of time have left upon them. Guidi's world is a little awe-struck and a little uncertain about what is going to happen next. It is full of everyday landscapes, figures, faces of adults and children, trees, skies, streets, houses and factories as well as little ironies, imaginings and recollections. Varianti is an acute mental and poetic project that subtly criticizes and questions. Perhaps Varianti is an anti-book telling us that the most authentic narrative is that which comes closest to the things we actually say in our daily lives, or to the things that we do not say."
[Cited in Martin Parr and Gerry Badger, The Photobook: A History, Volume II. (London and New York: Phaidon, 2006), 80.]