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Libros antiguos y modernos

[Muenster] Münster

FÜrmalung und kÜnstlich beschreibung der horologien, nemlich wie man der sonnen uren mit mancherley weys und form, und auff allerley gattung entwerffen soll an die mauren

Heinrich Peter [Heinrich Petri], 1537

19250,00 €

Buddenbrooks Inc.

(Newburyport, Estados Unidos)

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[Muenster] Münster
Heinrich Peter [Heinrich Petri]
VERY RARE. First edition in German. With 66 fine and impressive
Primera edición


SEBASTIAN MÜNSTER'S IMPORTANT WORK ON SUNDIALS AND HOROLOGY, illustrated with many very impressive woodcuts, some attributed to Holbein the Younger. The work displays not only Münster's mathematical and scientific abilities but also those of a master-craftsman. The many fine woodcuts include sundials, quadrants and various other measuring devices, some of which are attributed to Hans Holbein the Younger. The work was original published in Latin in 1531. This edition appeared several years prior to Muenster's famed 'Cosmographia' and is far scarcer.
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