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Libros antiguos y modernos

Martinez, Jusepe (Jose)

Discursos practicables del nobilisimo arte de la pintura, sus rudimentos, medios y fines que ensena la experiencia, con los ejemplares de obras insignes de artifices ilustres, por Jusepe Martinez, pintor de S.M.D. Felipe IV.

Madrid: Real Academia de San Fernando, 1866,

125,00 €

Cole & Contreras Books

(Sitges, España)

Habla con el librero

Formas de Pago


Martinez, Jusepe (Jose)
Madrid: Real Academia de San Fernando, 1866
coleart painting jose jusepe martinez philip IV felipe
Copia autógrafa
Primera edición


FIRST COMPLETE EDITION of this extremely important treatise on painting, written by the court painter of Philip IV of Spain. XVI, 223 pp. Includes sections on drawing, symmetry, anatomy, perspective, coloring, etc., as well as accounts of the works of dozens of major artists. Also features a section on the major paintings in collections in Zaragoza, the author's hometown, along with his assessment of their monetary value. 4to. A PRISTINE COPY, JUST AS IT LEFT THE PRINTER: the unbound quires are stitched together, uncut and unopened. An outstanding copy of an important document in the history of Spanish art.
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