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Libros antiguos y modernos

Baumer, Christoph, Mirko Novak And Susanne Rutishauser (Hgg.)

Cultures in Contact : Central Asia as Focus of Trade, Cultural Exchange and Knowledge Transmission. Schriften zur Vorderasiatischen Arch�ogie ; 19.

Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag., 2022., 2022

99,00 €

Bookshop Buch Fundus

(Berlin, Alemania)

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Baumer, Christoph, Mirko Novak And Susanne Rutishauser (Hgg.)
Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag., 2022.
X, 616 Seiten : 297 ill., 15 tables, 10 charts, 65 maps ; 29.7 cm x 21 cm, 2440 g Originalhardcover.
Alte Geschichte, Arch�ogie
Tapa dura
Copia autógrafa
Primera edición


R�ckseitig leicht berieben, ansonsten tadelloser Zustand / Slightly rubbed on the back, otherwise perfect condition - Contents -- General Overview and Topographical Maps -- Christoph Baumer, Mirko Nov�and Susanne Rutishauser -- Introduction -- Turkmenistan -- Michael M�r -- Bronze Age Sceptres and Staffs from Elam and Margiana, and their Possible Names in Cuneiform and Linear Elamite -- Luca Forni -- Sharing Spiritual Life and Belief in the Murghab Region ( Southern Turkmenistan ) -- New Evidence from Bronze Age Seals -- Gian Luca Bonora -- Lock-shaped Stone Handbags ( Pierres Ans� ) from Central Asia -- Typology, Distribution, and New Findings -- Barbara Cerasetti, Roberto Arciero, Traci N. Billings, Maurizio Cattani, Luana D'Ippolito, Luca Forni, -- Elise Luneau, Kyle G. Olson, Alberto C. Potenza, Lynne M. Rouse, Robert N. Spengler III -- The Rise and Decline of the Desert Cities -- The Last Stages of the BMAC at Togolok 1 ( Southern Turkmenistan ) -- Aydogdy Kurbanov -- Between Two Cultures -- The Archaeological Record of Akdepe -- Uzbekistan/Tajikistan/Afghanistan/Pakistan -- Johanna Lhuillier -- Intercultural Interactions of the Sine Sepulchro Cultural Community ( Handmade Painted Ware Cultures ) of the Early Iron Age with the Neighbouring -- Cultures of Asia and the Near East -- Sonja Kroll, Mike Teufer, Natalia Vinogradova, Yuri Kutimov, Giovanna Lombardo, Delphine Bosch, Marjan Mashkour -- Isotopic Studies and Archaeological Evidence in Bronze Age Tajikistan -- The "Lady from Gelot" -- Andrei V. Omel'chenko -- Nomadic Influence in Sogdian Domains -- New Discoveries of Ancient Weapons in the Bukhara Oasis ( Uzbekistan ) -- Alisher Begmatov -- Cross-cultural Exchange across Eurasia as Reflected in the Sealings from Kafir-kala in Samarkand -- Sara Peterson -- A Study of the Gold Folding Crown from Till�epe as an Indicator of Cultural Exchange -- Shakirdjan R. Pidaev -- Monumental Narrative Paintings of Karatepa in Old Termez, South Uzbekistan -- Claude Rapin, Mutalib Khasanov, and Shokhimardan Rakhmanov -- The Iron Gates Wall near Derbent ( Uzbekistan ) -- From Alexander the Great to the 19th Century -- Silvia Pozzi and Sirojiddin Mirzaahmedov -- Bactrian Influences in the Early Medieval Re-foundation of Vardana -- Jacopo Bruno and Gabriele Puschnigg -- Reflections on Ceramics in the Bukhara Oasis -- New Data from the MAFOUB Project -- Ilaria Vincenzi -- Uch Kulakh: Cultural Contacts in the Early Medieval Period -- Ehsan Shavarebi -- Gesticulationes Sogdianorum -- A Preliminary Study of Hand Gestures in Sogdian Iconography: their Origins and Significance -- Michael Shenkar, Sharof Kurbanov, Abdurahmon Pulotov, and Firuz Aminov -- The Eastern Zeravshan Valley in the Early Islamic Period ( 8th to 9th Century CE ) -- New Evidence from the Sanjar-Shah Excavations ( 2016-2019 ) -- Pavel B. Lurje -- The Three Brothers' Houses? -- An Elusive Modular Block in Ancient Panjikent -- Djangar Ilyasov -- End of a Long Way -- Tamga -- Signs on Ceramics from Qarshovul Tepa -- Djamaliddin K. Mirzaahmedov, Munira N. Sultanova and Shuxrat T. Adylov -- Early Karakhanid Glazed Ceramics of Bukhara -- Based on a Corpus of Material from the Citadel of Vardanzeh -- Azim Malikov -- The Cultural Traditions of Urban Planning in Samarkand during the Epoch of Timur -- Julio Bendezu-Sarmiento -- Archaeological Survey and First Preliminary Results of the Site of Shahr-i Gholghola ( Afghanistan ) -- The Bamiyan Valley as a Centre of Trade and Cultural Exchange -- Azerbaijan -- Farda Asadov -- Archaeological Evidence of the Presence of the Khazars in the Territory of Azerbaijan in the 7th to 10th Century CE -- Shahin Mustafayev -- Archaeological Representations of Caspian Trade Routes in North-eastern Azerbaijan -- Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan -- Bakyt E. Amanbaeva -- New Information on the Ak-Beshim Site ( Chui Valley, Northern Kyrgyzstan ) -- Valerii A. Kolchenko -- Hearth Pedestals of the Medieval Chuy Valley as Ethno-cultural and Chronological -- Indicators ( of the Genesis of the Medieval Cities of the Chuy Valley ) -- Charles A. Stewart and Steven T. Gilbert -- Ili Valley Settlement -- Trade along the Northern Silk Route -- Dmitriy Voyakin -- The Hidden Oghuz -- Some Remarks on the Archaeological Investigation of the Kesken-Kuyuk-Kala Site -- Xinjiang and Tuva -- Alexey A. Kovalev -- The Chemurchek ( Qie'muerqieke ) Cultural Phenomenon -- As a Result of Western European Migration to Dzungaria and the Mongolian Altai ( on Archaeological Data ) -- Tomas Larsen H�is�r -- The Kingdom of Kroraina -- At the Crossroads of the Ancient World -- Marina E. Kilunovskaya and Pavel M. Leus -- Burials with Openwork Belt Plaques of the Xiongnu -- Period from Tuva -- Gino Caspari -- The Earliest "Scythians" in Tuva and the World Beyond -- Architectural Ideas and Interaction. ISBN 9783447118804