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Libros antiguos y modernos

Clack, Jerry (Ed.)

Classical World, 82 [6 Bd.e].

Swarthmore: The Classical Association of the Atlantic States., - 1989.,

39,00 €

Bookshop Buch Fundus

(Berlin, Alemania)

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Clack, Jerry (Ed.)
Swarthmore: The Classical Association of the Atlantic States.,, 1989.
503 S. / p. Paperback.
Copia autógrafa
Primera edición


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langj�igem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - sehr guter Zustand / very good condition - INDEX TO VOLUME 82 -- ARTICLES -- D. T. Benediktson, Caligula�s Madness: Madness or Interictal Temporal Lobe Epilepsy?: -- J.-M. Claassen, Meter and Emotion in Ovid�s Exilic Poetry: -- F. T. Coulson, The Citing of Manuscript Shelfmarks: A Modest Proposal: -- M. Damen, Actors and Act-Divisions in the Greek Original of Plautus� Menaechmi: -- M. M. DeForest, The Central Similes of Horace�s Cleopatra Ode: -- H. R. Dettmer, Closure in the Lesbia Polymetra 1-13: -- R. E. Fantham, Mime: The Missing Link in Roman Literary History: -- E. D. Floyd, Homer and the Life-Producing Earth: -- E. P. Garrison, Eurydice�s Final Exit to Suicide in the Antigone: -- W. S. Greenwait, The Marriageability Age at the Argead Court: 360-317 B.C.: -- S. P. Haley, A Note on Cicero Ad Atticum 12.1: -- R. P. Hock, Servile Behavior in Sallust�s Bellum Catilinae: -- D. A. March, Cicero and the �Gang of Five�: -- T. J. Moore, Tibullus 1.7: Reconciliation through Conflict: -- M. N. Nagler, Toward a Semantics of Ancient Conflict: Eris in the Iliad: -- Z. Pavlovskis, Is Aeschylus� Hephaestus Lame?: -- F. C. Philips, The Language Laboratory and the Teaching of �Dead� Languages: -- O. C. Phillips, Jr., What is Latin for �Latin�?: -- J. L. Sebesta, Textbooks in Greek and Latin: 1989 Supplementary Survey: -- C. P. E. Springer, Horace�s Soracte Ode: Location, Dislocation, and the Reader: -- J. C. Traupman, 1989 Survey of Audio-Visual Materials in the Classics: -- A. Vail, Albert Einstein�s Introduction to Diels� Translation of Lucretius: -- D. N. Wigtil, Correct English Translation of Ancient Genitive Pronouns: -- C. W. Wooten, The Earrings of Polemarchus� Wife (Lysias 12.19): -- W. F. Wyatt, Jr., Homeric Language.