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Libros antiguos y modernos

Claussin, M. Le Chevalier Jean-Jacques De, Gersaint, Helle, Glom, Y, And P. Yver

Catalogue raisonne de toutes les estampes qui forment l'oeuvre de Rembrandt, et des principales pieces de ses eleves, compose par les sieurs Gersaint, Helle, Glomy et P. Yver [with] Supplement au catalogue.

Paris: Firmin Didot, 1824-1828,

495,00 €

Cole & Contreras Books

(Sitges, España)

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Claussin, M. Le Chevalier Jean-Jacques De, Gersaint, Helle, Glom, Y, And P. Yver
Paris: Firmin Didot, 1824-1828
coleart rembrandt claussin catalogue raisonne
Copia autógrafa
Primera edición


Two volumes bound in one, complete. This work might be considered the last and best edition of the first catalogue raisonne of Rembrandt's etchings and drypoints, originally compiled by Gersaint and published posthumously in 1751. xx, 217, xv, 245 pp. WITH THE RARE ERRATA LEAF. Thoroughly describes 382 prints by Rembrandt, and hundreds more after his works and by his followers. Beautifully printed on fine laid paper. 8vo. Contemporary cloth, decorated in blind and gilt. Light wear to extremities of binding, else FINE AND BRIGHT. Rare and important.
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