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Libros antiguos y modernos

Massena, Victor, Duc De Rivoli, Prince D'Essling

Catalogue de livres rares et precieux (ancienne poesies, romans de chevalerie, chroniques, etc.) provenant de la Bibliotheque de M. le P. d'E****** (Prince d'Essling)

Paris: Techener, 1847,

225,00 €

Cole & Contreras Books

(Sitges, España)

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Massena, Victor, Duc De Rivoli, Prince D'Essling
Paris: Techener, 1847
colebiblio prince d'essling essling romans romances of chivalry, trautz-bauzonnet french library private auction catalogue, catalogues
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Primera edición


The important catalogue of an important collection, especially rich in early romances of chivalry. This auction catalogue of the Prince d'Essling's library was initially published in 1845, with the auction itself planned for 1846. The auction was canceled, however, when Techener bought the collection en bloc. He printed a new edition of the catalogue (which I offer here) and sold the books at auction in May, 1847. Small 4to. Attractively bound in marbled boards. Original wraps bound in. Some internal spotting, and original wraps somewhat worn, else very good. Brunet I, 1644: ".la plus riche collection de romans de chevalerie que l'on connaisse."
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