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Libros antiguos y modernos

Baird, Forrest E. (Ed.) And Walter Arnold Kaufmann

Ancient Philosophy. Philosophic Classics.

New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall., 2008.,

47,00 €

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(Berlin, Alemania)

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Baird, Forrest E. (Ed.) And Walter Arnold Kaufmann
New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall., 2008.
Fifth Edition. XIII., 558 p. Paperback.
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From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - slightly rubbed otherwise perfect condition - The philosophers of ancient Greece have fascinated thinking persons for centuries, and their writings have been one of the key influences on the development of Western civilization. Beginning with the fragmentary statements of the Pre-Socratics, moving to the all-embracing systems of Plato and Aristotle, and culminating in the practical advice of the Hellenistic writers, Greek philosophers have defined the questions and suggested many of the answers for subsequent generations. As the great Greek statesman, Pericles, sagely predicted, �Future ages will wonder at us, as the present age wonders at us now.� -- This volume in the Philosophic Classics series includes the writings of the most important Greek philosophers, along with selections from some of their Roman followers. In choosing texts for this volume I have tried, wherever possible, to follow three principles: (1) to use complete works or, where more appropriate, complete sections of works (2) in clear translations (3) of texts central to the thinker�s philosophy or widely accepted as part of the �canon.� To make the works more accessible to students, most footnotes treating textual matters (variant readings, etc.) have been omitted and all Greek words have been transliterated and put in angle brackets. In addition, each thinker is introduced by a brief essay composed of three sections: (1) biographical (a glimpse of the life), (2) philosophical (a resume of the philosopher�s thought), and (3) bibliographical (suggestions for further reading). -- BEFORE SOCRATES -- The Milesians -- Thales -- Anaximander -- Anaximenes -- Pythagoras -- Xenophanes -- Heraclitus -- The Monists -- Parmenides -- Zeno of Elea -- The Pluralists -- Empedocles -- Anaxagoras -- Democritus (and Leucippus) -- Three Sophists -- Protagoras -- Gorgias -- Critias -- EPILOGUE I: TWO VIEWS OF ATHENS -- Thucydides -- Pericles' Funeral Oration -- The Melian Conference I -- EPILOGUE II: ASPASIA -- PLATO -- Euthyphro -- Apology -- Crito -- Phaedo -- Meno -- -- Parmenides (127-135) Theaetetus (selections) -- Timaeus (27d-34b) ( -- ARISTOTLE -- Categories (Chapters 1-5) -- On Interpretation (Chapters 1-9) -- Posterior Analytics (Book I, 1-2; Book II, 19) -- Physics (Book II complete) -- Metaphysics (Books I and XII complete) -- On the Soul (Book II, 1-3: Book III, 4-5) -- Nicomachean Ethics (Book I-II; Book III, 1-5; Book IV, 3; Books VI-VII; -- Book X, 6-8, 9) -- Politics (Book 1,1-2; Book III, 6-9; Book IV, 11-12; -- Book VII, 3bM, 9) -- HELLENISTIC AND ROMAN PHILOSOPHY -- Epicurus -- Letter to Herodotus -- Letter to Menoeceus -- Principal Doctrines -- Lucretius -- On the Nature of the Universe (Book Two, 216-284; Book Three, through 831) -- -- The Early Stoa -- Zeno of Citium (selections from Diogenes Laertius -- Cleanthes, Hymn to Zeus -- Epictetus -- Handbook (Encheiridion) -- Marcus Aurelius -- Meditations (Book IV) -- Pyrrho and Sextus Empiricus -- Outlines of Pyrrhonism (Book 1,1-15) -- Plotinus -- Enneads (I. Tractate 6; V, Tractate 1,1-12; V, Tractate 3, 12.9-end) ISBN 9780132413176