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Libros antiguos y modernos

Brown Rev. John.

A concordance to the holy scriptures with additional tables.

Hill P. & Co. Printed, 1816

45,00 € 75,00 €

Il Bulino libri rari

(Torino, Italia)

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Brown Rev. John.
Hill P. & Co. Printed
Opere dell '800 - Sacre scritture


By the Rev. John Brown of Haddington. "Search the Scriptures". Al fondo: An alphabetical table of proper names, in the old and new testaments; with the Meaning or Signification of the Words in their Original Languages. A table of the promises. Discourses of Jesus. The miracles of Christ. Incisione all'antiporta, doppio frontespizio, il primo finemente inciso. Testo su due colonne. Ottimo esemplare. Legatura coeva in mezza pelle, piatti marmorizzati, titolo e fregi in oro al dorso, pp. 10, 240, 4, in 16∞
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