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Yelets Libreria


About this seller

Sellers on are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.

Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.

Seller's catalogue - 14128 titles

  • Sistema di arte oratoria 1759 Intr. trad. note ed excursus …

    Rare and modern books

    Ward John

    Sistema di arte oratoria 1759 Intr. trad. note ed excursus di Roberto Salvucci


    24.00 €

    Yelets Libreria (Italy)

  • La Cina all'Onu Dichiarazioni e interventi

    Rare and modern books

    Coccia Filippo Gonzales Laura

    La Cina all'Onu Dichiarazioni e interventi


    10.00 €

    Yelets Libreria (Italy)

  • Economia e politica del settore agricolo

    Rare and modern books

    Hallett Graham

    Economia e politica del settore agricolo


    12.00 €

    Yelets Libreria (Italy)

  • Milano nelle immagini Dipinti e manifesti dal 1796 al 1860

    Rare and modern books

    Massagrande Danilo

    Milano nelle immagini Dipinti e manifesti dal 1796 al 1860


    6.00 €

    Yelets Libreria (Italy)

  • Lembi di paradiso

    Rare and modern books

    Fitzgerald F. Scott E Zelda

    Lembi di paradiso


    9.00 €

    Yelets Libreria (Italy)

  • Annali d'Italia 2 Tomi

    Rare and modern books

    Muratori Lodovico Antonio

    Annali d'Italia 2 Tomi


    9.60 €

    Yelets Libreria (Italy)

  • La cuspide di ghiaccio

    Rare and modern books

    Manfridi Giuseppe

    La cuspide di ghiaccio


    7.20 €

    Yelets Libreria (Italy)

  • Discorsi parlamentari

    Rare and modern books

    Croce Benedetto

    Discorsi parlamentari


    9.00 €

    Yelets Libreria (Italy)

  • I Thibault 2 voll.

    Rare and modern books

    Martin Du Gard Roger

    I Thibault 2 voll.


    16.80 €

    Yelets Libreria (Italy)

  • Il labirinto

    Rare and modern books

    Brocchi Virgilio

    Il labirinto


    6.00 €

    Yelets Libreria (Italy)

  • Tu Introduzione alla preghiera

    Rare and modern books

    Maggiolini Sandro

    Tu Introduzione alla preghiera


    4.32 €

    Yelets Libreria (Italy)

  • The new paradigm for financial markets The credit crisis of …

    Rare and modern books

    Soros George

    The new paradigm for financial markets The credit crisis of 2008 and what it means


    9.00 €

    Yelets Libreria (Italy)

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