Petri Antiquariat
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Sellers on are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.
Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.
Seller's catalogue - 105136 titles
Rare and modern books
Boxberger, Leo Von
Die Welt des Vogels,
4.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Boy-Ed, Ida
Um ein Weib.,
4.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Boycott, B. B.
BOYCOTT, B. B., Hopkins, J. M., Cone synapses of a flat diffuse cone bpiolar cell in the primate retina. J. Neurocytol. 22, 765-778 (1993)., Obr, [WES53].,// ., // WaeSSLE, H.-, L. Peichl, B. B. Boycott, Morphology and topography of on- and off-alpha cells in the rat retina. Proc. R. Soc. London B 212,157-175 (1981) // WaeSSLE, H., Peichl., L., Boycott, B. B., Quantification of horizontal cells in the domestic cat retina. In Development and chemical specifity of neurons. prog. Brain Res. 51, 373-388 (1979)., Obr., [SD71].
6.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Boyd, William
Brazzaville Beach.
4.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Boylan, M. K., R. S. Fisher, C. D. Hull, N. Buchwald & M. S. Lev, Ine
axonal branching of basal forebrain projections to the neocortex. A double-labelig study in the cat.
4.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Boyle, Kay
Eisbaeren und andere.
4.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Boysen, C.
Der Buecherwurm Eine Monatsschrift fuer Buecherfreunde. 2. Jahrgang 1911/1912,
26.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Bozler, Emil
Untersuchungen ueber das Nervensystem der Coelenteraten., II., ueber die Struktur der Ganglienzellen und die Funktion der Neurofibrillen nach Lebenduntersuchungen.,
4.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Braasch, Helen
Aus der Wildnis entfuehrt ñ Tier- und Pflanzenzuechtung gestern, heute und morgen.,
4.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Bracharz, Kurt
Ein Abend-Essen zu Fuss-., Notizen zu Lichtenberg,
4.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Bracher, Karl Dietrich
Die deutsche Diktatur., Entstehung, Struktur, Folgendes Nationalsozialismus.,
4.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Brachvogel, A. E.
Friedemann Bach. Ein Roman aus der Zeit Friedrich des Grossen.,
4.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)