Petri Antiquariat
About this seller
Sellers on are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.
Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.
Seller's catalogue - 105131 titles
Rare and modern books
. Golfo di La Spezia., 1/8000
9.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Avenarius, Ferdinand (Ed.)
Kunstwart. Jahrgang 18, Heft 15., (Schiller-Heft ),
6.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Avenarius, Ferdinand.
Hausbuch deutscher Lyrik.
4.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Avenarius, Hermann Et Al. (Eds.)
Zeitschrift fuer internationale erziehungs- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung., 6. Jahrgang 1989, Heft 1,
4.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Averdieck, Elisabeth
Lottchen und ihre Kinder oder Kinderleben. 3. Teil.,
28.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Avyzius, Jonas
Die Farben des Chamaeleons.,
4.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Axenfeld, Helmut
Theodor Axenfelds Briefe und Tagebuchblaetter von seiner Reise zum VIII. Alljapanischen Medizinischen Kongress in Osaka.,
30.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Axt, Renate
Da kam der Grosse Baer.
4.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Axline, Virginia M.
Dibs., Die wunderbare Entfaltung eines menschlichen Wesens.
6.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Ahnert, Knut Et Al
Antiquariate in Berlin 1996.,
4.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Ayme, Marcel
Die Gruene Stute.,
7.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)
Rare and modern books
Ayme, Marcel
Les contes du chat perche. Le chien., Illustre par Claudine et Roland Sabatie.,
10.00 €
Petri Antiquariat (Germany)