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Admiralty Charts

Papua or New Guinea

80.00 €

Trippini Sergio Libreria

(Gavirate, Italy)

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mm 626x953
Nuova Guinea
Admiralty Charts


Papua or New Guinea - sheet 6 - British New Guinea South Coast Round Hill to Orangerie Bay surveyed by Capt. Owen Stanley 1850. The Coastline and topography in fine line are from Sketch Surveys by Officers of the Government of British New Guinea under the direction of Sir WilliamMacgregor, 1891. In the right side of the chart a small insert of Nobanoka Bay or Port Glasgow by Mr. Goldic of the ship Explorer 1878. London Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty May 24th 1852. Small corrections: 1928. Editorially folded. Autore: Admiralty Charts. Luogo: Nuova Guinea. Anno: '900. Dimensioni: 626x953 mm

Anno di pubblicazione: '900
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