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SANDRART Joachim von

Palatium Excellentissimi Ducis de Sora in regione Parione novae vicinum a Cardinale Nicolao Fieschi extructum e Bramantis de


120.00 €

Antiquarius Libreria

(Roma, Italy)

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350 X 240
SANDRART Joachim von


Palazzo Sora, conosciuto anche come Palazzo Fieschi Sora, è un palazzo rinascimentale che si trova a Roma in Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, nel rione Parione, e che su corso Vittorio occupa tutto l'isolato tra via Sora e vicolo Savelli. Opera tratta dalla celebre ' Academia Todesca della Architectura, Scultura & Pittura: oder Teutsche Academie der Edlen Bau, Bild-und Mahlerey-Künste, ' raccolta monumentale, riccamente illustrata da centinaia di incisioni raffiguranti antichità, architettura e mitologia classica, edita a Norimberga e Francoforte tra il 1675 ed il 1680. La serie ' Palazzi di Roma […] ' deriva dalle incisioni realizzate da Giovan Battista Falda per l'architetto Pietro Ferrerio. ' Per le incisioni, Sandrart si avvalse dei suoi collaboratori Hans Ulrich Frank, Johannes Meyer, Richard Collin, Suzanne Marie von Sandrart ed altri ancora. Incisione in rame, pieni margini, in ottimo stato di conservazione. Plate taken fom the monumental ' Academia Todesca della Architectura, Scultura & Pittura: oder Teutsche Academie der Edlen Bau, Bild-und Mahlerey-Künste ' (Deutsche Academy of Architecture - Sculpture – Painting). ' Sandrart's work are inspired by the series ' Palazzi di Roma […] ' by Pietro Ferrerio. This series of etchings is divided into two books showing the plans and architecture of various buildings in Rome. The two books were published in Rome by Gian Giacomo de Rossi, in 1655 circa. ' The first volume, titled ' Palazzi di Roma de' più celebri architetti designati da Pietro Ferrerio pittore et architetto, contains 44 etching, all except one identifying Pietro Ferrerio as draftsman. The second book, ' Nuovi disegni dell'architettura e piante de'palazzi de Roma de'piu celebri architetti, disegnati et intagliati da Gio. ' Battista Falda, contains 61 etchings by Giovanni Battista Falda. The first edition, in German, was published by Joachim von Sandrart in Nuremberg, in three volumes respectively in 1675, 1679 and 1680. For the plates Sandrart used his students as and many others artist as Karl Gustav von Amling (1650-1703); Philip Kilian (1628-1693); Richard Collin (1627-97); Georg Andreas Wolfgang (1631-1716); Johann Georg Waldreich (d.1680); Melchior Küsel (1626-1683); Franck, Johann (fl.1659-1690); George Christoph Eimmart (1638-1705); Susanna Maria von Sandrart (1658-1716); Bartholomäus Kilian (1630-1696). The work is full of illustrations of ancient and modern Roman buildings, sculpture, the theory of painting, biographies of artists, including German and contemporary (ie seventeenth-century) artists, and antiquities. Joachim von Sandrart was a painter of some note but it is for his Teutsche Academie that he is chiefly remembered. His compendious treatise includes sections on ancient sculpture and architecture, perspective, the theory of painting, artists’ biographies, a translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses and so on. The second part of Book I purports to give a history of art from its earliest origins, and opens with an engraving of two scenes of legendary accounts of the discovery of drawing. The frontispiece to Volume I is signed as drawn by J. de Sandrart and engraved by C.G. Amling; that of Volume II is signed as drawn by Sandrart and engraved by R. Collin. The portrait in Volume I is signed as painted by J.U. Mair and engraved by P. Kilian; that in Volume II is signed as engraved by R. Collin. Many plates are signed as drawn by Sandrart and engraved by R. Collin or other engravers (J. Franck, G.A. Wolfgang, J.G. Waldreich, I.I. Thourneyser, Melchior Küsell, G. C. Eimmart, B. Kilian, Jacob Sandrart, Joh. Meyer, Susanna von Sandrart, J.A. Boener, C. Meyer). Many plates are unsigned. The work is dedicated to the world-renowned German nation and to champions and lovers of art ('Der Welt-berühmten Teutschen Nation . Kunst-Helden und Kunstliebenden'). Etching with margins, very good condition. References National Gallery (Washington), ' Mark J. Millard, III (1998), no. 111; F.W. H. Hollstein, ' German engravings . ca. 1400-1700 ' (1954-), 38-41; Anna Schreurs, ' Unter Minerva schutz: bildung durch kunst in Joachim von Sandrarts 'Teutscher Academie' ' (2012). Cfr.
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