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Rare and modern books

Tourist guide of Uruguay 1954. (Titolo in copertina: Guide of Uruguayan Tourism).

Montevideo, Tourist Federation of Uruguay, 1954,

19.00 €

Il Piacere e Il Dovere Studio Bibliografico

(Vercelli, Italy)
Closed until Jan. 28, 2025.

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Place of printing
Montevideo, Tourist Federation of Uruguay, 1954
Montevideo, Tourist Federation of Uruguay, 1954


In 16° (cm. 17 x 12); pagg. 176 + LXIV e 16 non numerate publicitarie illustrate; con numerose carte anche a colori f.t. (due delle quali grandi, più volte ripiegate), 16 tavole fotografiche f.t. e alcune vignette n.t.; leggera cartonatura originale. VG. ** This guide will conduct you through a small South american country with a surface of 187.000 square kilometres, two and a half million inhabitants, and 125 years of indipendent life. This small country has a mild climate, more than 300 kilometers of sandy beaches."
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