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Rare and modern books

Collard, C. And R. Maltby (Eds.)

The Classical Quarterly, 51 [2 Bd.e] 2001. Vol. LXXXXIII of the continuous series. No. 1-2.

Oxford: The Clarendon Press., 2001.,

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Collard, C. And R. Maltby (Eds.)
Oxford: The Clarendon Press., 2001.
636 Seiten / p. Broschiert / Paperback.
Dust jacket
First edition


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langj�igem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Leicht berieben und besto�n, leichter Wasserfleck, ansonsten tadelloser Zustand / Slightly rubbed and scuffed, slight water stain, otherwise perfect condition. - CONTENTS -Penelope�s dream in Book 19 of the Odyssey A. rozokoki -- A new testimonium on Diogenes of Apollonia, with remarks on J. A. PALMER -- Melissas� cosmology -- The omen of the eagles and hare (Agamemnon 104-59): from Aulis J. heath -- to Argos and back again -- Consilium et ratio? Papyrus A of Bacchylides and Alexandrian L. p. E. parker -- metrical scholarship -- Axiosis, the new arete: a Periclean metaphor for friendship J. w. allison -- Critical studies in the cantica of Sophocles: I. Antigone c. w. willink -- Sophocles� Tereus d. Fitzpatrick -- Thucydides on the plague: physiology of flux and fixation E. M. craik -- Plato and medical texts: Symposium 185c�193d E. M. CRAIK -- Alexander and the Amazons E. baynham -- Class matters in the Dyskolos of Menander v. j. rosivach -- The theatricality of the deaths of C. Gracchus and friends 1. l. beness and T. w. hillard Catilina and the Vestal r.g. lewis -- The date of De Rerum Natura G. o. HUTCHINSON -- Colours in conflict: Catullus� use of colour imagery in C.63 J. R. clarke -- Diodoros on Delion and Euripides� Supplices M. toher -- Nisus� choice: Bovillae at Aeneid 9.387-8 p. R. bleisch -- The death of Turnus w. s. M. nicoll -- The proconsulship of P. Cornelius Scipio (cos. 16 B.c.) C. EILERS -- Gaius� bridge at Baiae and Alexander-imitatio s. J. v malloch -- Paul, Gaius, and the �law of persons�: the conceptualization of Roman w. deming law in the early Classical period -- Water-mills at Amida: Ammianus Marcellinus 18.8.11 A. WILSON -- Tribuni Scholarum Palatinarum c. a.d. 353-64: Ammianus J. barlow and P. brennan Marcellinus and the Notitia Dignitatum -- Strategius and the �Manichaeans� D. WOODS -- Chaldean triads in Neoplatonic exegesis: some reconsiderations r. majercik -- SHORTER NOTES -- Aristagoras of Melos j. h. hordern -- Socrates, Socratics, and the word BAEI7EAAIMQN E. k. borthwick -- Lycurgus 1.149 and those two voting urns I. Worthington -- Halls full of girls? Catullus 89.3 s. J. harrison -- The double Harpalyce, Harpies, and wordplay at Aeneid 1.314-17 M. A. brucia -- Aeneid 12.391-2: iamque aderat Phoebo ante alios dilectus lapyx I lasides H. JACOBSON Etymological wordplay in Ovid�s �Pyramus and Thisbe� (Met. 4.55-166) A. M. KEITH Anastrophe in Manil. 2.953 w. hubner -- Petronius and the vir malus \ T. J. leary -- A skilful Petronian simile: frigidior rigente bruma (Sat. 132.8.5) P.-J. DEHON -- Apion, the Jews, and human sacrifice H. Jacobson -- Five problems in Martial (1.48.3-4; 4.52; 6.12; 9.61.15�-18; 12.52) p.t. eden -- Was Apuleius� speech stenographed? (Florida 9.13) v. hunink -- The Epitome de Caesaribus and the Chronicle of Marcellinus A. D. CAMERON -- �Heart-cutting talk�: Homeric kertomeo and related words M. clarke -- Euboean Io l. o. mitchell -- Solon�s Symposium (frs. 32-4 and 36 Gentili-Prato2= 38^10 and 41 West2) M. noussia Pindar, Nemean 7.102�past and present w. j. slater -- Thrice-ploughed woe (Sophocles, Antigone 859) m. clarke -- Women�s speech in Greek tragedy: the case of Electra and Clytemnestra 1 mossman in Euripides� Electra -- Xenophon and Athenian democratic ideology R. seager -- Conscription of hoplites in Classical Athens M. R. christ -- Why is Evenus called a philosopher at Phaedo 61c? T. ebert -- The phantom of the Sophist, to o�k ontos o�k on (240a-c) d. b. robinson -- Plato�s last words on pleasure E C. white -- Theoris of Lemnos and the criminalization of magic in D. collins -- fourth-century Athens -- The Cynic and the statue e. k. borthwick -- Lucretian palingenesis recycled J. WARREN -- Metaphor in Cicero�s De Re Publica R. L. gallagher -- Cicero�s astronomy E. gee -- Moonshine: intertextual illumination in Propertius 1.3.31-3 and J. booth -- Philodemus, Anth. Pal. 5.123 -- Textual notes on Ovid, Metamorphoses 7-9 E. J. KENNEY -- Gaius on the Channel coast s. J. v. malloch -- Plutarch�s Amatorius: a commentary on Plato�s theories of love? J. m.rist -- Vision and light in Apuleius� tale of Psyche and her mysterious husband c. panayotakis Traces of Longinus� library in Eusebius� Praeparatio Evangelica P. KALLIGAS -- Mimes, thaumaturgy, and the theatre M. w. dickie -- SHORTER NOTES -- Athenian demes as poleis (Thue. 2.16.2) D. WHITEHEAD -- A note on the Euripus in Euripides� Iphigenia at Aulis J morwood -- A note on The Death of Socrates J. SULLIVAN -- Melanippe Ecclesiazusa (Aristophanes, Ecc. 441-54) J. L. BUTRICA -- Ennius, Suetonius and the genesis of Horace, Odes 4 p. D. hills -- Lucretius 2.547 M. F. smith -- Ovid�s Syrinx p. murgatroyd -- Aetna 49 I B. HALL -- A contentious matter: Petronius 11.2-4 T. i leary -- Two notes on Lucan 6 c. tesoriero -- Who were the rudes nepotes at Tacitus, Ann. 4.8.3? S. J. v. MALLOCH.