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Rare and modern books

Pound, Ezra (La Copia Di Arrigo Lora Totino)

Section: Rock-Drill. 85-95 de los cantares

All'insegna del pesce d'oro [Scheiwiller] (Stamperia Valdonega),, 1955

900.00 €

Pontremoli srl Libreria Antiquaria

(MILANO, Italy)

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Year of publication
Place of printing
Milano (Verona),
Pound, Ezra (La Copia Di Arrigo Lora Totino)
pp. [8] 107 [5] ill. da numerosi ideogrammi, sguardie.
All'insegna del pesce d'oro [Scheiwiller] (Stamperia Valdonega),
in 16°,
Prima edizione.
Poesia Straniera del '900
Binding description
cartonato illustrato (ritratto dell'autore di H. Gaudier-Brzeska),
First edition


LIBRO Prima edizione. La copia di Arrigo Lora Torino (ex libris a timbro), noto esponente della poesia visiva; in ottime condizioni. «In 1955, an annus mirabilis in Modernist publishing history, cat Ezra turned to fish Vanni to launch nothing less than a new volume of cantos, that «Section: Rock-Drill» he had been working at since 1946, but which only in 1954 was written out in one burst of sustained inspiration that was not to be repeated in Pound’s lifetime. Scheiwiller received the manuscript at Christmas 1954, and set about seeing it into print. Why Pound should have decided to thumb his nose at Laughlin and Faber and make a deal with a twenty-year-old Milanese is a mystery, but typical of Pound’s mischievousness and opportunism. Scheiwiller was a novice, but he surely could guarantee a higher quality of printing than Sodom on Thames and Hudson — nothing less than beautiful Verona on Adige where the noble printer Giovanni Mardesteig set up «Rock-Drill» and printed it in an edition of 506 copies in September 1955. This book was the revelation of a new Pound. In England Donald Davie and even Philip Larkin marveled at all those Chinese characters marching down the page. […] Vanni was his accomplice and the production of «Rock-Drill» a memorable event, which Vanni was to recall as the principal windfall of his publishing career. Of course, «Rock-Drill» was then reprinted by Pound’s traditional publishers, but using Scheiwiller’s plates and type, which are still there in the current New Directions «Cantos»» (Bacigalupo, pp. 247-8). Gallup, Ezra Pound: a Bibliography, A70a; Bacigalupo, Vanni Scheiwiller Italian Publisher of Ezra Pound (Paideuma 29,3, winter 2000: 245-252), p. 251
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