Rare and modern books
Valerie Solanas
S.C.U.M Society for Cutting Up Men Manifesto by Valerie Solanas
The Olympia Press, Inc., New York, 1968
800.00 €
a+mbookstore Libreria
(Milano, Italy)
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Valerie Solanas, who had acted in one of his underground films ("I, A Man") shot Andy Warhol in his studio on June 3, 1968. The previous year, Solanas had written a radical separatist feminist "manifesto" that advocated the elimination of all men. After the attack she was arrested and was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and served three years including a stay in a psychiatric hospital. Maurice Girodias of Olympia Press, having signed a contract with the author the year previously, published the book in 1968; over the years, some has expressed the opinion that the Manifesto was satirical, a parody on patriarchy but Solanas maintained her intent was serious. For the rest of her life (she would die in 1988), she continued to promote the SCUM Manifesto.