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Rare and modern books

Daems, Aurelie, Ernie Haerinck Und Bruno Overlaet (Eds.)

Proceedings of the International Conference "The Iron Age in the Iranian World" at Ghent (17-20 November 2003). Iranica Antiqua. Vol. 40, 2005.

Leiden: Brill - Leuven: Peeters, 2005.,

138.00 €

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Daems, Aurelie, Ernie Haerinck Und Bruno Overlaet (Eds.)
Leiden: Brill, Leuven: Peeters, 2005.
536 S. Mit zahlr. Abb. Originalbroschur.
Dust jacket
First edition


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Dr. Wolfram Kleiss, langj�igem Leiter der Au�nstelle Teheran des Deutschen Arch�ogischen Instituts. Einband leicht berieben. - B. OVERLAET, The Chronology of the Iron Age in the Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan -- S.J. FLEMING, V.C. PIGOTT, C.P. SWANN & K.S. NASH, Bronze in Luristan: preliminary analytical evidence from copper/bronze artifacts excavated by the Belgian Mission in Iran -- S. KROLL, The Southern Urmia Basin in the Early Iron Age -- A. MOUSAVI, Comments on the Early Iron Age in Iran -- L. NIAKAN, Tappeh Shizar: an Iron Age population center -- T. KAWAMI, Deer in Art, Life and Death in Northwestern Iran -- S. MARAS, Notes on Seals and Seal Use in Western Iran from c. 900-600 BCE -- J. ALVAREZ-MON, Aspects of Elamite wall painting: new evidence from Kabnak (Haft Tepe) -- D.T. POTTS, Neo-Elamite problems -- D. STRONACH, The Arjan Tomb: Innovation and Acculturation in the Last Days of Elam -- A. AYVAZIAN, Observations on Dynastic Continuity in the Kingdom of Urartu -- W. KLEISS, Urart�che Architektur in der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Architektur Irans -- P. MAGEE, The Chronology and Environmental Background of Iron Age Settlement in Southeastern Iran and the Question of the Origin of the Qanat Irrigation System -- J. CURTIS, The Material Culture of Tepe Nush-i Jan and the End of the Iron Age III Period in Western Iran -- H. GOPNIK, The shape of sherds: function and style at Godin II -- S. RAZMJOU, In search of the lost Median art -- B. GENITO, The Archaeology of the Median Period: an Outline and a research perspective -- A.D.H. BIVAR, Mithraism: a religion for the ancient Medes -- A.TOUROVETS, Some Reflexions about the Relation between the Architecture of Northwestern Iran and Urartu. The Layout of the Central Temple of Nush-i Djan -- D. HUFF, From Median to Achaemenian Palace Architecture -- R. KONTANI, Searching for the Origin of the "Bronze Swords with Iron Core" in Northwestern Iran and the Caucasus Region -- N. PONS, Une t� de javeline dans une tombe du Fer Ancien en Arm�e. Evocation du "bris rituel" au Moyen Orient -- G.R. TSETSKHLADZE, The Caucasus and the Iranian World in the Early Iron Age: Two Graves from Treli -- A. IVANTCHIK, La chronologie des cultures pr�cythe et scythe: les donn� proche-orientales et caucasiennes -- O. LECOMTE, The Iron Age of Northern Hyrcania -- R. BOUCHARLAT, H.-P. FRANCFORT & O. LECOMTE, The Citadel of Ulug Depe and the Iron Age Archaeological Sequence in Southern Central Asia -- J. M. CORDOBA & M. DEL CARMEN DEL CERRO, Arch�ogie de l'eau dans al Madam (Sharjah, Emirats Arabes Unis). Puits, aflaj et s�eresse pendant l'� du Fer.

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