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Rare and modern books



American Tract Society, 1873

93.50 €

Buddenbrooks Inc.

(Newburyport, United States of America)

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Year of publication
Place of printing
New York
American Tract Society


First edition. With sweet December 25th, 1875 gift inscription on front blank. Illustrated with eight plates. Miniature in fours [3.18 by 2.5 inches], in the publisher's original dark blue cloth, the upper cover with elaborate gilt decorative panel surrounding the word "Poppet" with a small colour floral bouquet pastedown. 80pp. A very nicely preserved copy of this scarce charming miniature book for children. The text is surprisingly clean and fresh, the binding a bit tender in the front but still sound, the cloth fresh with just a little wear at the tips and edges. In all a bright and fresh little book.

Edizione: a very scarce american miniature book of the victorian era. the eight chapters revolve around the life of poppet, a little boy of questionable behavior and even more questionable intellect. in one he is scared by a large dog after blatantly disobeying his mother, but he recovers from this well enough to attempt to teach kittens to read. did we mention poppet's not the brightest kid in town?
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