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Rare and modern books

Minkowski Orchestra Et Choeurs Opèra De Lyon Dessay, Naouri, Gen, S, Ewa Podles

Offenbach OrphÈe aux Enfers

Emi 1999,

60.00 €

Pali s.r.l. Libreria

(Roma, Italy)

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Minkowski Orchestra Et Choeurs Opèra De Lyon Dessay, Naouri, Gen, S, Ewa Podles
Emi 1999
Cd Musica
Binding description
Dust jacket
State of preservation
Very Good
First edition


2 cd s and libretto and synopsisin box A lively cast and quirky staging make this a most entertaining visit to the underworld Minkowskiís conducting again recalls Leibowitzís classic recordings ñ bone-dry, sprightly and slightly manic. Andrew Lamb, reviewing the related (but differently cast) CD recording (EMI 1/99), queried the extra 1874 numbers Minkowski grafts onto the 1858 original; but, as AML guessed, the combination works extremely well on stage. Other CD quirks, in particular taking Eurydiceís sensuous ëBacchus Hymní destructively fast, are explained if not excused by Pellyís production ñ as manic and as refreshing, in his clever use of dancers, surreal sight gags, and cheerfully unfettered sex (a remarkable ëFly Duetí!). His ëbackstageí settings make less sense than HÈlËneís, but the Cloud-Cushion-Land Olympus is inspired. Their hard-worked cast respond superbly, notably Natalie Dessayís modern Parisienne Eurydice, dressy, leggy, and neurotic, delivering zinging coloratura while bouncing on a sofa or perched high on a stage lift. Laurent Naouriís youthful Jupiter is equally athletic, vocally, and physically swashbuckling. Diminutive Jean-Paul FouchÈcourt sings suavely but makes Pluto more comic than seductive, looking like a malevolent hobbit in his pointed ears; lyrical honours go to Yann Beuronís smugly charming Orpheus. Among rather ordinary gods, Cassandre Berthonís sweet-voiced shrimp of a Cupid stands out, as do the wonderfully moth-eaten John Styx and tweedy, hand-bagging Public Opinion. Minkowski occasionally forces the pace and Pellyís high camp sometimes tips over into shrill vulgarity. The remastered surround-sound is rather stagey, occasionally losing voices in unfriendly perspectives. Itís still treasurable, and vastly superior to its only DVD rival, a dismal Brussels staging. Avoid that; buy this; rejoice. Disco 1 1.Ouvert¸re 2.Qui suis-je? Du theatre antique. (1. Akt, 1. Bild: La campagne aux environs de Thebes) 3.Chanson: La femme dont le coeur reve 4.Dialog: Il est sorti! 5.Duo du concerto: Ah! c'est ainsi! 6.Dialog: Oh Venus, belle deesse 7.Monolog: J'ai peur. 8.Ballet pastoral 9.Chanson d'Aristee: Moi, je suis Aristee 10.Dialog: Voila! Voila ce que je dis. 11.Dialog: Allons! Allons! 12.Couplets: La mort m'apparait souriante 13.Melodrame: Crac! C'est bon! 14.Libre! o bonheur! (Finale) 15.Couplets de l'Opinion Publique: C'est l'Opinion Publique 16.Viens! a l'Opinion 17.Duettino: Viens! viens! c'est l'honneur 18.Entr'acte et choeur du sommeil: Dormons, dormons (2. Bild: L'Olympe) 19.Les Heures 20.Reveil des dieux et couplets de Diane: Par Saturne, quel est ce bruit 21.Dialog: Ah! Pauvre Aceton! 22.Rondo-saltarelle de Mercure: Eh hop! Eh hop! 23.Dialog: Et Pluton? 24.Entree de Pluton et des Furies: Salut au puissant maitre 25.Air en prose de Pluton: Heureuses divinites 26.Dialog: As-tu bientot fini 27.Choeur de la Revolte: Aux armes 28.Dialog: Une sedition! 29.Rondeau des metamorphoses: Pour seduire Alcmene 30.Dialog: Je suis a bout de forces! 31.Il approche! Il s'approche! (Finale) 32.Gloire! gloire a Jupiter Disco 2 1.Entr'acte (2. Akt, 3. Bild: Le boudoir de Pluton) 2.Couplets des regrets: Ah! quelle triste destinee 3.Dialog: Voila deux jours que je suis seule 4.Couplets du roi de Beotie: Quand j'etais roi de Beotie 5.Dialog: Va-t'en, je te dis, tu sens le vin 6.Couplets des baisers: Pour attirer du fond de sa retraite 7.Dialog: A la une. a la deux. a la trois 8.Duo de la mouche: Il m'a semble sur mon epaule 9.Dialog: Ah, je le savais bien 10.Ballet des mouches: galop 11.Entr'acte 12.Choeur infernal: Vive le vin! Vive Pluton (4. Bild: Les Enfers) 13.Allons, ma belle bacchante 14.Hymne a Bacchus: J'ai vu le dieu Bacchus 15.Maintenant, je veux (Menuet, galop infernal et choeur) 16.Menuet: La la la. Le menuet n'est vraiment si charmant 17.Galop infernal: Ce bal est original 18.Dialog: Et maintenant, fuyons 19.Dialog: La position se tend 20.Dialog: Oui, je suis convaincu 21.Final: Ne regarde pas en arriere!