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Boris A. Dubrovin, Sergej P. Novikov, Antolij T. Fomenko
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Informazioni bibliografiche
Titolo: Metodi della teoria delle omologie. Geometria contemporanea, Volume 3
Titolo originale dell'opera: Sobremennaja geometrija: metody i prijiozenija
Autori: Boris A. Dubrovin, Sergej P. Novikov, Anatolij T. Fomenko
Traduzione di: Ernest Kozlov
Curatori dell'edizione italiana: Carlo Cattani, Michelangelo de Maria
Editore: Roma: Editori Riuniti, 1989
Collana: Nuova biblioteca di cultura. Serie scientifica
ISBN: 8835934036, 9788835934035
Lunghezza: 360 pagine; 23 cm
Soggetti: Matematica, Geometria analitica, Manuali, Gruppi, Mir, Scienze matematiche, Problemi, Esercizi, Analisi, Teorie, Analisi, Superficie algebrica, Trasformazioni, Università, Scienziati russi, Scuola russa, Teoremi, Equazioni, Campi, Fisica Applicata, Relatività, Modern Geometry, Methods and Applications, Homology Theory, Riemann, Surface, Riemannian, Metric, Hence, Formule, Morse, Zero, Corollari, Comologi, Polinomi, Libri scolastici, Vintage, Fuori catalogo, Testi classici, Moderna, Calcolo, Mathematics, Analytical Geometry, Manuals, Groups, Mathematical Sciences, Problems, Exercises, Analysis, Theories, Analysis, Algebraic Surface, Transformations, University, Russian Scientists, Russian School, Theorems, Equations, Fields, Applied Physics, Relativity, Modern Geometry, Methods and Applications, Homology Theory, Riemann, Surface, Riemannian, Metric, Hence, Formula, School books, Out of print Books, Classical texts, Calculation, BOURBAKI, GELFAND, HAMERMESH, KIRILOV, KAPLANSKY, Sylow, Teor KLEIN, Gruppi abeliani, Nilpotenti, Mechanics, Lie, Funzioni, Heegart, Bott, Cobordismi, Plateau, Spazi, Cartan, Serre, Algebra, Coomologie, Omologie, Stern, Faddev, Bachvalov, Smirnov, Numeri, Esercizi, Problemi
I. Omologie e coomologie. Tecniche di calcolo
II. Punti critici delle funzioni differenziabili e omologia
III. Cobordismi e strutture differenziabili
Indice analitico
Parole e frasi comuni
2-dimensional abelian group algebra analogous appropriate arbitrary bordism boundary operator cell complex cell decomposition closed manifold co-ordinates cochain coefficients cohomology compact completes the proof compute conjugate consider Corollary corresponding critical points cycle defined definition denote determined diffeomorphic differential dimension disc element embedding equation exact sequence Exercise fact fibre bundle Figure finite follows formula function f geodesic arc given group G Hence Hk(X homology groups homology theory homomorphism homotopically equivalent homotopy class homotopy type identified induced integral intersection invariant isomorphism Jacobi field Lemma level surface Lie group linear map f minimal Morse function multiplication neighbourhood non-degenerate non-trivial non-zero obtain orientable pair path polynomial problem Proposition Riemann surface Riemannian metric satisfying simplex simplicial complex simply-connected singular smooth function smooth manifold SO(n sphere subgroup submanifold subspace tensor topological torus triangulation trivial vector bundle vector field vector space verify whence zero